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From the naturalistic point of view, all men are equal. There are only two exceptions to this rule of naturalistic equality: geniuses and idiots.
From a personal point of view, when you're hitting the back of the net at Premier League level people recognize that you're doing something right.
You see, the people that have a point of view and have an opinion and have some intellect are dangerous in the film community - they're dangerous.
From a playing or managing point of view relegation is a blot on your CV that you don't want, but you have to live with it and try to bounce back.
From my point of view, 'Stranger in a Strange Land' isn't just a science fiction masterpiece; it also happens to be one of my favorite books ever.
Traditionally, those that work in fashion have always had the point of view that items made by hand have their own aura and are something special.
The mainland Chinese tend to take a Chinese mainland point of view on controversial issues, and the Taiwanese take another the Taiwanese viewpoint.
Symmetry principles are principles governing the laws of nature that say those laws look the same if you change your point of view in certain ways.
From a personal point of view, I wouldn't have been happy with one cap but would always have been happy with two. I never counted on getting to 80.
All that a city will ever allow you is an angle on it, an oblique, indirect sample of what it contains, or what passes through it; a point of view.
I think that's the greatest gift one can have: point of view. You know? I've come to believe that if you have a bad memory of something, change it.
My point of view when I make a book or I make a movie is to see the humanistic point of view. The point of view of the daily life of normal people.
You don't need to be partisan. CNN does need to stick to a nonpartisan point of view. That doesn't mean there can't be more passion and excitement.
I am good at persuading people. In convincing the other, I try to start from their point of view so it's easier for me to find a common denominator.
My own position is so far on the obsessive side of preparation and professionalism that I fear my point of view is not going to be shared by anyone.
With 'If I Stay,' I want you to feel that the whole story is being told from a larger, spiritual point of view. So the beginning is very theatrical.
From a psychoanalytical point of view, we start discovering the world through our mouths in the very first stage of our lives, when we're just born.
The point of having a director is that they make the final decision; it's their point of view, they set the rhythm and they make the final decisions.
Comedy and tragedy co-exist. You can't have one without the other. I'm of the school that anything can be funny if seen from a comedic point of view.
From the point of view of the people who are using the platform, one of the most valuable things about Java is the consistency, the interoperability.
I think portraying the Joker's point of view would do a disservice to that character. As soon as you get inside his head he would lose so much power.
When you do something in a nonviolent way, people will die and there will be casualties. But you're taking a different point of view that has a power.
When I look at the record of President Obama concerning the major issue security I think it's a highly satisfactory record from Israeli point of view.
I am extremely choosy about the scripts that I accept. I choose movies from an audience point of view - keeping in mind what they would like to watch.
Steven Spielberg was my idol growing up. I knew that all of his movies have a very specific message and point of view, and the always are really epic.
This is my point of view, and that's why I call the show 'Ramy'. I made the show that I would want to see. So it's only going to hit on certain things.
When you really listen to another person from their point of view, and reflect back to them that understanding, it's like giving them emotional oxygen.
With any villain, you have to see things from their point of view and understand that they think what they're doing will make the world a better place.
From their point of view, I had gone too far. I had to disappear. That is to say, if the Algerian army had not overthrown me, others would have done so.
We recognized that for our future, and for the way the customer was now shopping, we had to have one point of view. All roads lead back to the customer.
Certainly it is much easier to think about negotiating and having deals when there is a singular represented point of view. That pretty much is a given.
My films are very rooted in specific people's point of view. Some film-makers give a more global point of view, like God looking down at the characters.
Anybody who thinks that getting a communication from a voter in your district is spam - that guy is pork. Roast pork unless he changes his point of view.
Maimonides taught that it is better that 10 criminals go free than let one innocent man be executed. The Innocence Project represents that point of view.
From my point of view, God is the light that illuminates the darkness, even if it does not dissolve it, and a spark of divine light is within each of us.
I find that here in the States, audiences are generally less knowledgeable, from the cognitive point of view, though they are emotionally more receptive.
People are not the only interesting organism on earth. From the point of view of scientific or commercial value, there are lots of interesting organisms.
Snooker has been really, really tough for me from a personal point of view because to be at the top and to stay at the top you've got to put the hours in.
An important fraction of United States industry adheres to the idea that research of a fundamental character is worthwhile from a practical point of view.
The world isn't all happy, shiny people, and great art doesn't come from vanilla. Great art comes from people with a point of view and are very passionate.
From a purely selfish, batting point of view, I couldn't bat any better than the 2010-11 Ashes and then in India in 2012. That was as good as I could play.
I think in general, romantic comedies tend to take one person's point of view, but every once in a while you get something that is balanced for two people.
From an egotistical point of view, I'm always interested in roles that push me as a person. I'm interested in humans as animals and as products of society.
Lately I did a film called All I Want for Christmas and it was well received. This gave me a new point of view and a new respect for my work as an actress.
The BAFTAs give the British point of view, and the Oscars give the American point of view, but the truth is we're all working in an international industry.
My family is my biggest critic. Since they come from a non-filmi background, they give me an audience's point of view. They have been very supportive of me.
From an organisation point of view, I want the BJP to be the bright national political party in all the states of India and having an impact on social life.
There is nothing that living things do that cannot be understood from the point of view that they are made of atoms acting according to the laws of physics.
I guess there is also an element of deliberate change involved. Each of my books has been, at least from my point of view, radically different from the last.
From my own point of view, I hope everybody would realise that people who work in Scottish football - referees included - are always under terrific scrutiny.