I think you always need to take new, big risks from a storytelling point of view.

I do vote but I don't think that any political party represents my point of view.

There is nothing insignificant in the world. It all depends on the point of view.

Every time you go into a movie, you go into the point of view of who it is about.

To most people who have a point of view, merely being on TV is an intrinsic good.

The best products in the world have a point of view. The worst products have none.

It doubles your perception, to write from the point of view of someone you're not.

The world's creation has a beginning from the world's point of view, not from God's.

I was interested in implements of mass destruction - from an academic point of view.

From my point of view, there is a tremendous amount to be said for secular humanism.

I read a lot of sci-fi when I was younger. Loved it from the literary point of view.

I'm just coming from a more personal - and, I guess, more nostalgic - point of view.

To be in a room and have to explain your point of view is a huge skill in Hollywood.

Scoring goals is scoring goals. From a striker's point of view, the aim is the same.

Human beings, from their own point of view, are very different than what people see.

If you look from my point of view, that's what Christians strive for - love from God.

You don't want to make a movie just to make a movie. You better have a point of view.

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.

I've never heard a song written from a stepmother's point of view, about their family.

But if two's company, three's a crowd - and that demands the omniscient point of view.

From my point of view, a great deal of openly expressed piety is insufferable conceit.

In fact, I would defend to the death their right to express a different point of view.

I became a terrible drunk or alcoholic - or a good one depending on your point of view.

We're not programming to conservatives. We're just not eliminating their point of view.

The flapper has charm, good looks, good clothes, intellect and a healthy point of view.

I'm inventing new principles. The audience has a point of view that no one can predict.

You can't come to a new point of view until you realize what your brainwashing has been.

I work for me, 18 hours a day. It's my gig. So I don't have time to get a point of view.

From a worldly point of view, there is no mistake so great as that of being always right.

A point of view can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding.

Happiness is such a fleeting point of view - there's no such thing as continual happiness.

Your point of view sets you up well in advance for how you view the events as they unfold.

'Must Feed and Water' is a love story told from the point of view of 'Love' as a character.

As a heterosexual designer, it is really, really important to have a woman's point of view.

I'd like to be known as the person who saw things from a different point of view to others.

From my point of view, humour and irony include tragedy; they're two sides of the same coin.

It's so important that we say 'I can see his point of view and I can see his point of view'.

From the totalitarian point of view, history is something to be created rather than learned.

When people try to tell you what to say, don't do it. You have to own your own point of view.

If we don't register and don't vote, national leaders will not be aware of our point of view.

We don't have a single point of view for a road at all, except a moving one, moving along it.

At no time do I come from a cynical point of view. I'm coming from a concerned point of view.

From my point of view, this is the best time of the year. I don't love heat. I'm a winter guy.

It's the weight of expectation that's the hardest to deal with, really, from my point of view.

Dressing rooms can be vicious places, in the best possible way, from a slagging point of view.

When you create change with your point of view, you have to be ready for what comes with that.

Fashion moves so quickly that, unless you have a strong point of view, you can lose integrity.

From a commercial point of view, if Christmas did not exist it would be necessary to invent it.

I do represent a different aesthetic to drag, I have a different point of view with everything.

I do not understand those who divide political life from the point of view of political parties.

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