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Studios are passe for me. I'd rather play in a garage, in a truck, or a rehearsal hall, a club, or a basement.
When I play sports, when I dance, when I teach mysticism, I cannot explain, even to myself, how I do what I do.
Life is nothing to be very serious about. Life is a ball in your hands to play with. Don’t hold on to the ball.
Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays.
My comedy does not come from a place of deep cynicism, and I tend to play characters who are naive in some way.
I've sort of done a play every four or five years I guess if I look back in my career. And I think that's good.
It's a bit embarrassing watching myself, but I couldn't get someone else to play me, that would've been stupid.
Plays, gentlemen, are to their authors what children are to women: they cost more pain than they give pleasure.
Ballybunion is the course on which many golf architects should live and play on before they build golf courses.
I like ambiguity. I think it's so much more interesting to play than an overtly good or an overtly evil person.
The sheer complexity of writing a play always had dazzled me. In an effort to understand it, I became a critic.
That's how we like to play basketball, is be physical down there in the paint and force teams to the perimeter.
No matter how much theory progresses, how radically styles change, chess play is inconceivable without tactics.
She was the amoureuse of all the novels, the heroine of all the plays, the vague “she” of all the poetry books.
I'm so sorry for you; your lives have been so easy. You can't play great music unless your heart's been broken.
It's great to do small plays in the theatre and then go off with Blur and play in front of thousands of people.
The happiest moments for me, creatively, are doing readings of a play around a table where there's no audience.
Every so often you read a play and a character just speaks to you - almost seems to speak through you, in fact.
I know that my look is more "toothpaste model" as opposed to artsy, which sucks because I can play those roles.
I want to write a play. I'd like to do an original musical. I should probably put together a poetry collection.
I do not live to play, but I play in order that I may live, and return with greater zest to the labors of life.
I used to play one job and have 125 pair of shoes on the floor. What was I doing? I couldn't wear but one pair.
I'm not a guitarist as far as a technician goes, I just pick it up and play it. Technique doesn't come into it.
If you could play, I'd play with you all night. But if I'm just playing by myself, it gets boring pretty quick.
The coach doesn't have to play the sport as well as you do. They have to watch you and get you to be your best.
The roles... the deep roles that I've gotten to play have turned my course. They've changed my life experience.
I don't want to be with someone boring because I'm always laughing. I to play jokes on people and be sarcastic.
You tend to understand yourself a little better after each role you play. There’s somewhat of a self-discovery.
I'm a musician. I play instruments. I dabble in the hip-hop field. That doesn't take vocal ability necessarily.
T was a brilliant feeling to make my debut and to hear the crowd chanting my name. It made me play much better.
With my plays, when the lights go down, at least the audience isn't thinking, 'Oh, God, two more hours of this.
I think it is most important for a teacher to play the pieces and studies that are being played by the student.
That's all I wanted to do as a kid. Play a guitar properly and jump around. But too many people got in the way.
Drummers - sometimes they play and they listen. And that little listen takes a speck away from the right tempo.
Most Americans will let liberals and conservatives play their games because most Americans don't pay attention.
Oh, I can't play soccer, and I'm not a great swimmer. I won't drown, but you won't see me doing laps in a pool.
It should almost be a prerequisite to play Castle Stuart before you're allowed to design golf courses nowadays.
A lot of times the characters I play tend to be kind of loners or they don't have best friends or best buddies.
My dream role is to play in a story of how the Joker became the Joker, and I would play the young Heath Ledger.
Perfect self-expression will never be labor, but of such absorbing interest that it will seem almost like play.
I think having my life be as private and quiet as possible is a way in which then I can go and play characters.
Any time you play your horn, it helps you. If you get down, you can help yourself even in a rock 'n' roll band.
I haven't retired from international football - I still believe I have a part to play in the future of England.
Words. Words. I play with words, hoping that some combination, even a chance combination, will say what I want.
Our writer would play the piano and then come up with songs on the spot that included all of us. It was so fun!
How do you beat Bobby Fischer? You play him at any game but chess. I try to stay in games where I have an edge.
Many plays - certainly mine - are like blank checks. The actors and directors put their own signatures on them.
That’s the one nice thing about being a dork about men: you can sometimes play it off as restrained and classy.
In the deaf community, in order to play a role of someone with a hearing loss... you have to have hearing loss.
We have to make our own happiness, and we have to make our own decisions and play the hand that is dealt to us.