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I like plays where people talk a lot. Conversation is sustained. Argument is sustained.
You can't effect the cards that you are dealt, but you can determine how you play them.
Usually the characters I play are men of few words, who communicate in non-verbal ways.
Winning the Ballon d’Or never bothered me. I just wanted to play for Manchester United.
You must not be afraid of playing wrong notes. Just forget it, play it wrong! But play!
Barney Kessel is incredible. He's just amazing . . . . Nobody can play guitar like that
I would love to DJ the royal wedding. Just so I could play Candle in the Wind non-stop.
I am very unmusical. I can't carry a tune. I would never be able to play an instrument.
I'm in a band, and we play music. And that's sort of my way of still being a rock star.
There are three primal urges in human beings: food, sex, and rewriting some else's play.
I want to do a little bit of everything. I want to play a good, strong female character.
For me, personally, I really get a kick out of game shows. I like the play-along factor.
It was in high school that I first became interested in acting. We put on lots of plays.
If someone plays a brooding actor in a film, people think they're brooding all the time.
The majority of the time I'm at home with my family, I play football three times a week.
It's well known that I play aggressively. When I'm not doing that, I'm not doing my job.
See how he throws his baited lines about,/And plays his men as anglers play their trout.
The human voice is the most beautiful instrument of all, but the most difficult to play.
I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve.
Men like M. de Talleyrand are like sharp instruments with which it is dangerous to play.
You are a placebo responder. Your body plays tricks on your mind. You cannot be trusted.
I play basketball. I can't control the media, the way I play. I can't control all of it.
I just want to play real human beings. You know, I don't care if they're male or female.
When I play live, I feel how the audience is going and follow and lead at the same time.
God may not play dice but he enjoys a good round of Trivial Pursuit every now and again.
I think that you only occasionally have to play evil because everything you're doing is.
Just because people play songs with great technique doesn't mean the records are better.
If I only get to play Malaysian roles, there wouldn't be very many roles for me to play.
How often the rich like to play at being poor. A rather nasty game, I've always thought.
The universe may not always play fair, but at least it's got a hell of a sense of humor.
I really want to play interesting roles, but you want to work, so it's a balancing game.
A symphony is a stage play with the parts written for instruments instead of for actors.
Our centers spread the floor, shoot the three and block shots. We can play pick and pop.
It feels good to play a little music / Tears running down my face 'cause I love to do it
I have a pet peeve about bands that don't play their hits. I think it's kind of selfish.
There are times where I am trying to make the big play before I even catch the football.
Its impossible to go onto the Tardis set and not play with things and fiddle with dials.
Everybody works . . . . That's what life is. Work and a little play and a lot of prayer.
Culture arises and unfolds in and as play... culture itself bears the character of play.
I think that each character has fascinated and interested me enough to want to play him.
I'm a terrible singer. I feel lucky to play baseball. You can't be gifted in everything.
Whatever part drink may play in the writer's life, it must play none in his or her work.
You play ensemble things that you had no idea you were going to play two minutes before.
I think you've got to play the hand that you're dealt and stop wishing for another hand.
I think government has a major role to play in helping us with the pursuit of happiness.
I always wanted to be an independent maverick, writing plays and putting them on myself.
Sit the comedy out, and that done, when the Play's at an end, let the Curtain fall down.
I had listened to Joe Turner. When they'd book Joe there, I'd play the blues behind him.
Play the Reverse gossip game. See how many nice things you can say behind someones back.
I don't play online games. 'Warcraft,' I've played that, but I mainly play action games.