Plays bass guitar in rock band "Capitol Offense".

What a pathetic play from a pathetic human being.

The one overall structure in my plays is language

There's a chunk of myself in every part I play...

I just try to play more and more difficult roles.

It is play and only play that makes man complete.

I'll play with a hundred pieces or do a solo job.

It would be a blessing to play in Brooklyn Nets .

I wanted to play some more grown-up music - jazz.

Maybe I was born to play ball. Maybe I truly was.

Jesus Christ. If he can play, I got to play, too.

I never play the victim, I’d rather be a stalker.

I came to AS Roma to play in the Champions League

If you play Bach every day, you are not so alone.

School plays are fine. Theater in school is fine.

It's a great day for a ball game; let's play two!

I can't play guitar, but I can sure make it howl.

West Ham play a speficic type of game - football.

I either run or try to play basketball every day.

You know, I don't only play for the record books.

Getting to play superheroes is a pretty good job.

I always wanted to play a Greek god in something.

I had sacrificed my entire life to play football.

I want to play in a place people want to hear me.

I get paid to practice. I play the game for free.

In our play we reveal what kind of people we are.

Sometimes, I play a round of extremely poor golf.

Lots of times I'll play lead and rhythm together.

I love a good play, but they're too hard to find.

You can't play chess if you're groggy from pills.

It is dangerous to play politics with the Budget.

People always say you can't win if you don't play

I don't play any tournaments to come second best.

I'm the type of guy who wants to make every play.

I play the keyboard, piano - I like making beats.

I don't try to please when I play. I try to cure.

The opposite of play is not work. It's depression.

You play Bach your way, and I’ll play him his way.

Ideas emerge from plays, not the other way around.

He could play the guitar just like ringing a bell.

James Taylor and God are the reasons I play music.

Being a pianist allows me to play in any language.

Great quarterbacks, good quarterbacks, make plays.

I usually play character parts in Hollywood films.

Each play I write has its own unique origin story.

The process of doing plays will make you an actor.

I don't play any instruments, but I do read a lot.

The roots of art and play lie very close together.

You get to play with people's little danger zones.

We have to play as a team at our best every night.

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