I don't play in tournaments, but I follow some.

I'm just a normal young lad who plays football.

You have to learn to play with what you've got.

I'll never play a drum solo you can't dance to.

It's fun to play the type of people you dislike.

Each match I play is the most important one yet.

I was lucky enough to see the Beatles play live.

I generally play strong people and scary people.

The players have to come and play. Today we did.

I learned you can't drink whiskey and play golf.

Seeing Messi play is like watching a video game.

Oh, I love to play on the road. I really love it

I play every game like it's going to be my last.

Yeah, we'll play that. You want fries with that?

I like to play football, read some books, study.

Powerful women are the most interesting to play.

I'm pretty athletic and I play basketball a lot.

Before trying a novel I wrote a couple of plays.

I don't think I want to play a teenager anymore.

Whoever wants to understand much must play much.

I think I've got some more big plays left in me.

When I play, I make love – it is the same thing.

Interesting little game we play with each other.

When you play chess alone it's always your move.

You have to play your characters, not like them.

I play better tennis because the court is there.

I play guitar because it lets me dream out loud.

And what’s he then that says I play the villain?

I play blues, sure, but don't call me a bluesman

My son, Wolfgang, plays drums, guitars and bass.

All chess masters can play one game blindfolded.

Leave your ego, play the music, love the people.

Old age: the crown of life, our play's last act.

I started acting because I enjoyed school plays.

It takes a smart brunette to play a dumb blonde.

I think I always play good, always played solid.

The time for desperation is upon us. Let's play.

You play, you win, you play, you lose. You play.

You're a musician: You play. That's what you do.

In real life I can play guitar, sure, but badly.

The more you play it the less you know about it.

Streetcar is the most wonderful, wonderful play.

I make impact plays. I make game-changing plays.

Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars.

When God plays guitar he uses Jeff Beck's hands.

All you can do is play how you know how to play.

At every opportunity, I wanted to play football.

It's not how big you are, it's how big you play.

Even to play a dead body; that'd be an easy gig.

All great men are play actors of their own ideal.

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