I was meant to be a composer and will be I'm sure. Don't ask me to try to forget this unpleasant thing and go play football - please.

People wonder why I smile a lot. It is because I am doing what I love best: to play football for people who love me. It makes me happy.

If football is your passion in life and you would rather play football for 20 years and have a shortened life span, that's your choice.

I want to play football, and I want to help the team. It doesn't matter if I play midfield, if I play in defence, if I play as a striker.

Anytime that the Arizona Cardinals play football, I scream at the top of my lungs at the television. And I have certain dances that I do.

Being a woman is of special interest only to aspiring male transsexuals. To actual women, it is simply a good excuse not to play football.

I'm really normal. I play football, go to the beach, drive. We have dogs. I can imagine people calling me a character, but I'm Joe Straight.

For me, you've got to play football first. We're not trying to be accountants. The money takes care of itself. That's kind of how I think anyway.

My only concern is playing. Everything else, my family looks after. In our house, everyone has a job, and my job in our house is to play football.

I am a footballer. I know how to play football ,and I know how to manage projects in the area of football. This is what I want to limit myself to.

I don't want to play football for 15 years and not have one trophy or one medal. Sorry, that's not what I am about. I wouldn't be happy with that.

You hear players in the past say that it's just a job for them, but for me, it is nothing like that. I literally wish I could play football every day.

Personally, I love training, and getting paid to play football is incredible. Playing the game and working hard is what I have always dreamed of doing.

My dad wanted me to play football so bad, he took me to Washington High School on the west side of Atlanta because they were number one. They never lost.

The only way to play football is with reckless abandon, or they'll knock your beard off. And with acting, you have to pull all the stops to make it work.

I think my reputation speaks for itself. But everybody is entitled to their own opinion, and I'm going to continue to play football - play physical football.

As a kid, you just want to play football. For me one day it will end, but until the end I love getting the opportunity to go out there and play at a high level.

Going to play in India at the end of my career was particularly special. I never thought I would get the chance to even visit India, let alone play football there.

I want to play football. I'm not just here to pick up my salary and do nothing. I'm young, I'm still 23 and still have a very long career, and I want to play games.

I never liked going to school and would sham and play football. I played in the centre forward position. If ever given a choice, I would love to represent Barcelona.

We lived in a tough neighbourhood where there were gangs, and although my mum made sure I studied at school, they also allowed me to follow my dream to play football.

I was a baseball guy. Mom wouldn't let me play football when I was little because she was scared I'd get hurt. So, I finally convinced her to let me play in 7th grade.

My father fought for me to play football. He never had to make me shinpads, but it was a lot of money to send to me to a soccer school. And to provide boots and things.

Thank God I had football. I remember when it used to rain, all the kids would run outside and play football in the puddles, just splashing around, having the best time.

I started my cooking 'career' aged 15, almost 20 years ago. At the time it was quite a shock suddenly working 75 to 80 hours a week, without time to play football or other sports.

You play football, rugby, tennis. You do not play boxing. When a sportsperson is in a game, when it gets too much, you quit. But in boxing you can't quit. You have to be taken out.

Ben Schwartzwalder was a decent guy, but he was from another era. He was like a Marine, with a real army attitude. He thought there was only one way to play football, and that was the rough way.

I used to play football at school, and I enjoyed really physical sports, but I now try to avoid any sports that might build up different muscles. That might have a negative impact on my archery.

The only football players in my time were fellows who really loved to play football. They were not in it for the money. There wasn't much money there. They would have played football for nothing.

When I was in prison, rap was all I had at that point because I was kicked out of school, all that education just gone and I couldn't come out of prison to play football - that was all over with.

Maybe if I was born in Kosovo, I might not be where I am now, so I need to thank Switzerland, of course, because I went to school there, learnt to play football there, and started my career there.

I can care less what people say about me. If I can go to the facility, work out, play football, and go home, that's what I would do. I'm a big-time football guy. I could care less about the outside.

As a kid, my parents told me I always seemed to play football with older people. As a boy, I always trained in the age group above, and even kicking about on the street, I'd play with the bigger ones.

I used to play football all the time. In the U.S., people don't play football, so I had to learn basketball. Looking back, that's what I like about my life - doing new things, having a new perspective.

I was never too much into school. I liked lunchtimes and breaks, but nah, I hated sitting at a desk. I was always looking out of the window, looking at my watch, thinking about when I could play football.

I've learnt and I just want to be respected for what I've achieved on the pitch. I know I haven't achieved much off it but I do know I've given pleasure to people watching me play football over the years.

As top players, we earn a lot of money, but sometimes we pay a hefty price with our health. I would give away all the money to be healthy again, to be able to do my job. To do what I love: to play football.

I am still the same village girl from Dhing who used to help my father in the paddy field, help mother in household chores, run for hours on the streets of Dhing, play football with my Mon Jai group friends.

My dad always played sports. He played football. I always wanted to play football because my dad played football, but my mom never wanted me to play football because she said she couldn't take me getting hit.

There is only one thing I want to do here, and that is play football to the best of my ability. If I let things start distracting me, I'm not going to be able to do that, which will jeopardise the team as well.

The most important thing in Guardiola's theory is to play football, and this always stays the same. The basic idea is always the same, but different opponents offer different space which you can use to play in.

You can go back into equestrianism any time - we've got a yard back home in Sheffield, and the horses are still there. They're just on hold for the moment. I can't ride and play football; it's too much of a risk.

St James' Park was always, in the course of my career, a great place to play football, for the wildness of the crowd and the no-holds-barred football that both my team, Manchester United, and Newcastle would play.

I got Osgood-Schlatter disease in my knees because my bones were growing quicker than my muscles, and it's hard to get out on the training pitch; then, afterwards, you're in agony every single time you play football.

The North East is a tough, working-class area. Its people boast great humour. But for two days every year, when Newcastle and Sunderland play football, it's absolute chaos. And very nasty. It borders on tribal hatred.

I wanted to show off - a simple impulse or drive; in much the same way as some kids wanted to play football, I wanted to show off. Not complicated in that sense, very natural; it just depends on how you want to show off.

I have always said I want to work harder so I can develop, learn, grow, and improve. I love to play football, and when I come on the pitch, I want to do my best to help the team. It's up to the coach the position I play.

Some people admire the aspirational rock star figures whose biopics make it to TV, the people they watched as kids and made them want to play football for England. For some comics, it is often the Doug Stanhopes and the Joan Rivers.

Young boys must be taught to play football without leading with or lowering their heads. Young players must be drilled over and over and over with Heads Up Football skills until that skill set becomes muscle memory and second nature.

I used to like Barbra Streisand films. It was 'Funny Girl' that really turned me on, in a sense, to acting. I remember it specifically being a rainy Saturday afternoon. I couldn't play football, so I stayed in, and I watched 'Funny Girl.'

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