I hadn't planned on or expected to have a public dimension in my life.

Singing pop music was not something I planned, but I managed to do it.

My stint with 'Ally McBeal' is something I never planned nor expected.

I never planned on having children, that's never been a desire of mine.

I planned on being an English teacher, but I don't know where that went.

I had planned to accomplish something considerable, and this is the end.

I never really planned on making action films. It just kind of happened.

I started out as a music teacher; I never planned on becoming an actress.

I haven't planned a reaction on anything... If you do, you've screwed up.

Originally I planned on starting a teapot collection. I really like them.

I never have particular actors planned when I'm in the process of writing.

Planned obsolescence is not really a new concept. God used it with people.

Unlike Mitt Romney, President Obama is standing up for Planned Parenthood.

The Witch' was very well planned, but 'The Lighthouse' was so much more so.

I never planned on a career in music at all, so I should say I'm very lucky.

I had a planned C-section, and I cried the entire day before I had the baby.

I happen to have a college education and I never planned on being a fighter.

I never planned to be an actor. It turned out I could make a living doing it.

I moved to Hawaii from Inglewood, New Jersey. I had planned on retiring there.

Some time ago, I told Larry King that I planned to live to be 102. I still do.

I allow a lot of room for improvisation and funny stuff. I always feel planned.

Planned Parenthood is an organization that does not provide quality health care.

It drives me crazy to throw something out. I find planned obsolescence revolting.

I have never planned anything. 'Kung Fu Yoga' was also never planned or anything.

I never intended to box forever, and always planned to move on to do other things.

I did not believe and I do not believe that Planned Parenthood should be defunded.

In the sixth grade, I planned to start my own business making custom fishing lures.

Nearly 100 years ago, when Planned Parenthood was founded, birth control was illegal.

My journey to working on loneliness was certainly not an expected one or planned one.

The best governor in the world is the person who never really planned to be governor.

It was not like I planned even to be a choreographer. It just happened to me somehow.

For the happiest life, days should be rigorously planned, nights left open to chance.

The Japanese really like things very well planned out. I enjoy things as they come by.

I hadn't planned to have kids, I didn't even know I was pregnant until four months in.

Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless.

Perfection of planned layout is achieved only by institutions on the point of collapse.

I grew up assuming that I would be in public service. I never planned to be in business.

I've never planned my career, really. It just comes along, and I do whatever comes next!

There's never anything planned. I just do what I feel is best for the song at that time.

I have not planned my Bollywood career the way I have planned my career in Bengali films.

Planned Parenthood doesn't care about women's health care needs; it cares about abortion.

Let me be clear: since I am pro-life, I do not support the mission of Planned Parenthood.

I'm usually writing about survival. I never planned it, but it runs through all my books.

Certainly, I seem to need to do a play a year. I feel wrong if I haven't got one planned.

Acting was my after-school activity. I never planned on growing up and becoming an actor.

But I know God has big stuff planned that ultimately doesn't have anything to do with me.

My whole life has been decided by fate. I've never planned anything that's happened to me.

I knew the statistics of playing pro football were 1% of 1%, so I just never planned on it.

We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.

I hadn't planned on going to law school. I wanted to study 19th-century Russian literature.

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