The United States is the most dishonest, ungodly, unspiritual nation that ever existed in the history of the planet.

I have no time to waste on this planet being told what to do by those who think that God has given them instructions.

If I can't be daring in my work or the way I live my life, then I don't really see the point of being on this planet.

I have followed after the truth, across this windy planet upon which every person is nourished by one or another lie.

America is simultaneously the most attractive and most repulsive place on the planet. It is most loved and most hated.

Yesterday, we sought telescopes good enough to see all the planets. Today, we seek vehicles good enough to reach them.

There is nothing more mysterious than destiny - of a person, of our species, of our planet, or of the universe itself.

Planetary missions are great, but they're usually only brief snapshots of those planets and also really very close-up.

Earl Nightingale has inspired more people toward success and fortune than any other motivational speaker on the planet.

We are not just visitors on this planet, it belongs to us just as we belong to her, its past is ours, so is its future.

I can remember at the age of about six being fascinated by the planets and learning all about Mars and Venus and things.

I love you. Really, I do. Now love yourself more and each other a lot more. And please take care of this precious planet.

The idea that we're somehow centrally important to the planet's existence is pretty comical - although I'd like us to be.

Although I can't stop all cruelty to living creatures on the planet, I can be kinder to every living creature in my life.

Tech is a funny industry I don't think there is any other industry on the planet that reinvents itself every 10-12 years.

The planet will survive. Whether we get to be here and enjoy it, or enjoy life as we've known it, is what's questionable.

I don't write novels about expeditions to the planet Mars because I haven't been there and I don't know anything about it.

Until humanity manages to sort itself out and get a co-ordinated view about the planet, it's going to get worse and worse.

They'll have to bring in Mulder an' Scully, because there ain't no CSI on the planet that'll ever be able to explain this.

I actually don't meet very many men because they are, I guess, afraid to approach me or think that I'm from another planet.

Super-Earths are how we call a family of planets... up to two times larger and about ten times more massive than the Earth.

Your nearness is the nearness of planets. I am the void between you. If I withdraw there will be no void for you to swim in.

You teach your daughters the diameters of the planets and wonder when you are done that they do not delight in your company.

Gram for gram, spirulina could be the most nutritious and well-rounded food on the planet, which stores almost indefinitely.

We are not only warming the ocean and the planet as a whole, but we are also acidifying the ocean and changing its chemistry.

Though every human being on the planet has an inclination for leadership, most of us do not have the courage to cultivate it.

We have to make our economy work for everyone - not just those at the top - protecting our country and protecting our planet.

I do see a lot of the hard end of ecology, and my feeling is that we live on a super-exciting planet but a super-fragile one.

Each person on this planet is inherently, intrinsically capable of attaining "dizzying heights" of happiness and fulfillment.

It is unconceivable that the whole Universe was merely created for us who live in this third-rate planet of a third-rate moon.

If you're going to be alive and on this planet, you have to, like, suck the marrow out of every day and get the most out of it.

My biggest love is still planets and stars. If I hadn't become an artist, I'd be an astronomer because I still love it so much.

If success or failure of this planet and of human beings depended on how I am and what I do... HOW WOULD I BE? WHAT WOULD I DO?

Only Zionists get to proclaim their fear of a brown planet while simultaneously maintaining a patina of liberal respectability.

If your company disappeared, would it leave a gaping hole that could not easily be filled by any other enterprise on the planet?

The motions which the planets now have could not spring from any natural cause alone, but were impressed by an intelligent Agent.

That is a big question we all have: are we alone in the universe? And exoplanets confirm the suspicion that planets are not rare.

I can't really see how anybody could be particularly optimistic about the future in general because we are destroying the planet.

We have such a finite amount of hours on this planet, and there is just no excuse for living a mundane, predictable life in life.

Women are incredibly intuitive. If anybody on the planet is going to evolve to the next level, that telekinetic thing, women will.

One of the gifts our planet gave us is to love completely. Without jealousy or insecurity or fear. Without pettiness. Without anger.

I'm learning something all the time. That's the way I want it to go, and that's the way I'll go until I am no longer on this planet.

When I arrived on the planet, there were only two billion. Wildlife was more abundant, we were less so; now the situation is reversed.

I was reared a Catholic but I think every day we ask ourselves, not consciously, what are we doing on this planet? What's it all about?

We search for life on others planets and in other regions of our galaxy. Meanwhile we destroy and ignore the other life on this planet.

You see things really different when your father is so intimately, so indisputably in charge of your continued existence on the planet.

The better part of valor is to spend it learning to live with differences, however hostile, unless and until we can find another planet.

I think the Earth and everything around it is connected - the sky and the planets and the stars and everything else we see as a mystery.

I want to prove that Holst's 'The Planets' can be as much of a sensory overload as a concert by the Grateful Dead, and just as exciting.

So astounding are the facts in this connection, that it would seem as though the Creator, himself had electrically designed this planet.

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