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We need to cut unnecessary weapons programs like the F-35 fighter plane that cost trillions of dollars and don't even work.
If Beethoven had been killed in a plane crash at the age of 22, it would have changed the history of music and of aviation.
I didn't get on a plane until I was 23, after I left Oxford and was teaching at Lucy Clayton Secretarial College in London.
I get really bad plane bloat. Your body and your face and everything swells. I could never get rid of it. It stays with you.
I've spent an awful lot of my time in the air. I've had everything happen to me in a plane that could happen. Except a crash.
My ears are huge. If there's ever a problem with a plane I'm on, they could just put me on the wing and I'll land the sucker.
Everybody has their 15 minutes, and those 15 minutes should be spent in a private limo and a private plane. It's the ultimate.
I always think it's kind of fun to get to the airport early, check in, and then go and have a meal before getting on the plane.
Whenever I feel like the hustle of Mumbai is suffocating me, I just hop on a plane and jet off to Goa for three to four nights.
I suddenly felt the plane go down. I thought we were going to die. I was really scared. I was sitting with my head in my hands.
Growing up where I did, the thought of working on a television show or in a movie... that existed on a parallel plane, you know?
Death by plane crash scares me. I travel a lot, and when you hit turbulence, and post 9/11, that's in the back of my mind a bit.
I don't buy things now, I buy plane tickets. The only thing I want is to make enough money to be able to travel with my children.
Never try to be witty with U.S. airport officials. It's always lost on them and you'll find yourself being put back on the plane.
I'm scared of heights, but for my 30th birthday I'm going to try and get someone to kick me out of a plane and do a parachute jump.
The first time I jumped from a plane, I screamed like a woman. I was two miles up and you could hear me clear as day. Now I love it.
I'm on the road a lot, so I'm always carrying resistance bands with me. I use them in hotels and even on Uber rides or on the plane.
I've flown in an international balloon race. I've piloted my own plane. I've ridden to the hounds. I've done a lot of exciting things.
I write all the time, even if it means recording in the hotel room. I write on the plane, anywhere, anytime I'm inspired or have ideas.
Getting on a plane and discovering that your seat belt won't fit around you was a moment of extreme horror. It was very hard to ignore.
I always go to sleep on the plane. Then I try and stay up whenever I get where I'm going to and get straight into the time zone I'm in.
In addition to surviving the Forrestal, McCain has survived three other plane disasters, including being shot down over enemy territory.
I'm a very anti-vacation person. Because I'm always getting on planes for work, to me, a vacation is when I don't have to get on a plane.
In my line of work, someone may say, 'Guess what? You've got to be on a plane in two hours.' So I keep a toothbrush and toothpaste on me.
I think a scarf is the most versatile item. On a plane, it's good to wrap around when you're cold or rest your head on it. I love scarves.
I've been around this game for a long time - a lot of plane rides, a lot of bus rides, a lot of pregame speeches, a lot of national anthems.
Use Creme de la Mer balm when your skin gets dry on a plane. You can put it on your cheeks to give your face a bit of a glow after you land.
It is the greatest shot of adrenaline to be doing what you have wanted to do so badly. You almost feel like you could fly without the plane.
Getting stuck in a plane for four hours on the tarmac on the hottest day of summer in Italy - it was like being trapped in a boiling tin can.
To be absolutely alone for the first time in the cockpit of a plane hundreds of feet above the ground is an experience never to be forgotten.
Sometimes bad luck hits you like in an ancient Greek tragedy, and it's not your own making. When you have a plane crash, it's not your fault.
I don't like travelling. Which is ridiculous. And it's not because I'm afraid of dying on the plane or anything. I just like to stay at home.
The idea of being stuck in a plane with dozens of people chatting over each other on their phones might feel like Dante's 10th circle of hell.
I'm not a T.G.I.F. guy. I get off a plane at 2 o'clock in the morning and I'm looking for my secretary because I want to know what's going on.
I've seen this over and over again: people love it if you step up their experience. No one turns down an upgrade to business class in a plane.
One day I'm riding a bicycle in my neighborhood, the next day I auditioned for Menudo and was on a plane to perform in front of 200,000 people.
I usually try to eat in my restaurants before I fly, as I'd rather sleep on the plane and just order a salad with cheese, maybe some ice cream.
Film actually is a very strange thing - you can fly in, get off the plane, and climb into bed with somebody you've never met - and that's weird!
We are not going to put a law enforcement official onto a plane to take them off... to remove a booked, paid, seated passenger. We can't do that.
Procrastination doesn't work for everything. For instance, waiting to buy plane tickets at the last minute will typically end up costing you more.
I wanted to write about Jews in Montana, so I went there by plane and bus, only to discover that there are no Jews in Montana. It didn't deter me.
It's quite amazing what 3D is doing to movies. Just simple things like a paper plane flying at you or flower petals fluttering about are wonderful.
If your plane is being hijacked by an armed man who, though prepared to take risks, presumably wants to go on living, there is room for bargaining.
I was in Africa once. I was in Kenya. I got off the plane, and I thought, 'Africa...' Some guy in a dashiki said, 'Mr. Bundy. Oh my God, it's you.'
I think e-books are terrific in their own right. I love being able to get on a plane and basically carry around seven books and it weigh 10 ounces.
I've always thought it was easier for girls to sing harmonies because their voices can go to that higher plane so much more easy than a male voice.
The first time I took a plane to dance in front of an audience outside France was when I was in the Paris Opera Ballet School, and we flew to Japan.
I don't like to fly. What's it called when the plane shakes? Turbulence, takeoffs... I grab my chair, close my eyes, count to 30, breathe, and pray.
I always keep a little bit of Lindt or Ghirardelli milk chocolate for when I'm stuck in traffic. And I'm a big fan of Mentos during long plane rides.
If you think, 'I'm jumping out of a plane at 30,000 feet!' you're not going to do it. But if you just jump out, then you'll have an interesting ride.