I love sandwiches. Let's face it, life is better between two pieces of bread.

Missing pieces do more than complete the puzzle, they fill in an empty space.

When it comes to the cyberwarfare piece, we're going to have to deal with it.

Poetry is a comforting piece of fiction set to more or less lascivious music.

You can't sit on the lid of progress. If you do, you will be blown to pieces.

I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.

In my lifetime I've been to bed with men, women, and odd pieces of furniture.

Elaboration is not beauty, and sand-paper never finished a piece of bad work.

Whenever God means to make a man great, he always breaks him in pieces first.

In fact, all of us have a piece of Chernobyl in our bodies going back to 1986.

Less is more. I truly believe in buying a few pieces with better construction.

When you've finished a piece of work you've had a kind of love affair with it.

Every other man is a piece of myself, for I am a part and a member of mankind.

One of the greatest pieces of economic wisdom is to know what you do not know.

I think that the Cold War was an exceptional and unnecessary piece of cruelty.

The most peerless piece of earth, I think, that e' er the sun shone bright on.

Our civilization is flinging itself to pieces. Stand back from the centrifuge.

Shooting action is very, very meticulous, it's increments, tiny little pieces.

You are the honoured guest, Do not weep like a beggar For pieces of the world.

Jim Henson was the only piece of fan mail I ever wrote when I was a little kid.

The center of the chessboard is a magnet, which pulls to itself all the pieces.

I look at every piece of furniture and every object as an individual sculpture.

God defend me from that Welsh fairy, Lest he transform me to a piece of cheese!

Painting is an illusion, a piece of magic, so what you see is not what you see.

I had heard my father say that he never knew a piece of land run away or break.

It is better to live as a broken piece of jade, than to live as a useless clay.

My father owned a small piece of land. He carried it with him wherever he went.

People ask what was the first piece of music I wrote. There was no first piece.

The last sentence in a piece is another adventure. It should open the piece up.

Damn it all you can't have the crown of thorns and the thirty pieces of silver.

Then his heart, now broken into a thousand pieces, slowly began to turn to ice.

Before I compose a piece, I walk round it several times, accompanied by myself.

I tend to have a kind of tunnel vision when I'm looking at an individual piece.

Every piece of music I have composed reminds me of a different time in my life.

Shooting videos with lots of effects is like shooting a bunch of puzzle pieces.

Not only did Judas sell Jesus for thirty pieces of silver; he also sold himself.

I had an iPhone and a Droid and both of them were miserable pieces of equipment.

I'd never read a piece of television where it's an hour script and it's perfect.

The sun comes into being each day from little pieces of fire that are collected.

Guess that's thirty-one pieces of silver you've got now, huh? Sleep well, Judas.

Pride is a sweetmeat, to be savoured in small pieces; it makes for a poor feast.

We laughed ourselves silly, taking back our shared past, gently, piece by piece.

When you play a violin piece, you are a storyteller, and you're telling a story.

The misfortune to be born when I was, where I was. That was a piece of bad luck.

You dont have to eat a whole cheeseburger, just take a piece of the cheeseburger.

I only know one story. But oftentimes small pieces seem to be stories themselves.

I have been nominated three times. I have the little pieces of paper to prove it.

The oldest task in human history: to live on a piece of land without spoiling it.

I can't remember a single year of my life when I haven't made a piece of theatre.

Anger is like a ruin, which, in falling upon its victim, breaks itself to pieces.

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