I think there are pieces of me you've never seen.

I'll play with a hundred pieces or do a solo job.

A piece of art is a compact form of the universe.

Everything is a piece of me, a moment of my life.

If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces.

Thats called hypocrisy, you shuck face piece of -!

A piece of happiness should never be taken as due.

Any piece of good music is in essence a love song.

A diamond is a piece of coal that stuck to the job

I would like to carve my novel in a piece of wood.

Piece by piece, my mother is being stolen from me.

Marriage is like a 5,000- piece jigsaw of the sky.

I've always drawn on bits and pieces of my own life

Behind every piece of paper lies a human situation.

No piece of writing is ever finished. It’s just due.

You are so much better than a STUPID piece of metal.

she had given me a piece of what made her life sane.

The melody is generally what the piece is all about.

Alex took a piece of my heart with him when he left.

Obviously I always wanted to do a contemporary piece.

A hockey team is like a puzzle. Every piece is vital.

To a hungry man, a piece of bread is the face of God.

I cannot, in my old age, live off pieces of my youth.

I wrote my first piano piece when I was in 4th grade.

In every seed of good there is always a piece of bad.

You should look at stocks as small pieces of business.

My operas and my theatre works are very formal pieces.

We pick up the pieces, Donna. Some of them are broken.

A script is not a piece of literature, it's a process.

to that piece in each of us that refuses to be silent.

Sometimes a piece of sun burned like a coin in my hand.

A wise word is not a substitute for a piece of herring.

I don't have a disregard for my reader in humor pieces.

Too many pieces of music finish too long after the end.

There’s nothing as cozy as a piece of candy and a book.

I dont want a broken heart because Ill lose the pieces.

A piece of music is an experience to be taken by itself.

We are as pieces of chess engaged in victory and defeat!

I'm a messenger. I'm one piece of a giant jigsaw puzzle.

Your body is the piece of the Universe youve been given.

A good piece of art should make a revolution inside you.

It is better we disintegrate in peace and not in pieces.

You should only play pieces that you're willing to marry.

The story is a piece of work. The novel is a way of life.

I don't think I've ever read a food piece or a food book.

I compose my pieces with a formula that I created myself.

Landscape is a piece that is emotional and psychological.

It is easier to achieve a desired result in short pieces.

Shattered people are best represented by bits and pieces.

I think I have every piece of music Bob Marley ever made.

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