I took piano lessons when I was like 5 or 6 but that was a long time ago. I stopped when I was 13.

I play piano (bit of guitar) and I sing and I love to jam and harmonize with other musical people.

If a composer could say what he had to say in words he would not bother trying to say it in music.

Well, we have theatrical parties. It's not me singing. People like to get up and jam on the piano.

When I had nothing else, I had my mother and the piano. And you know what? They were all I needed.

I would be happy at a piano bar, singing. I just want to home in on being the best singer I can be.

Writing is like giving birth to a piano sideways. Anyone who perseveres is either talented or nuts.

My friendship with the Steinway piano is one of the most important and beautiful things in my life.

The piano is always true to me. In times of despair, happiness, and joy, its mood is always my own.

My early life was full of music because my sisters played the piano and I started playing at three.

As far as other instrumentalists, I used to love mellow sax players like Paul Desmond. I love piano.

Although I am not stupid, the mathematical side of my brain is like dumb notes upon a damaged piano.

Steinway is the finest piano ever made. Its tone is magnificent and its well-balanced action superb.

I give them the head, choke them, hit them in the balls.You'rehting, not playing the piano, you know

I love the morning time - a cup of coffee and to sit at the piano, that's probably my favorite time.

Figures tell us there are already more people on earth than we need to move even the heaviest piano.

I love working on a typewriter - the rhythm, the sound; it's like playing the piano, which I do, too.

Steinway is the only piano on which the pianist can do everything he wants. And everything he dreams.

Will’s hand looked brown and sunburnt by contrast, their fingers dovetailed together like piano keys.

Some play the piano well and some badly and there is a great difference in the melodies they produce.

I mean, give me a guitar, give me a piano, give me a broom and string, I wouldn't get bored anywhere.

I had piano lessons when I was younger, but I quit because I didn't want to sit and learn the scales.

When people hear good music, it makes them homesick for something they never had, and never will have.

Love is a piano dropped from a fourth story window, and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I've written lots of songs on the piano. My mother had a piano and it was the first instrument I played

I hate playing the piano! And it's so hard to fight for Beethoven's soul! But that's what I have to do!

I tended to favour the piano over the guitar because it stays in one place, which is what I like to do.

I used to play the piano in the band, and so there's some horrendous scenes of me playing the keyboards.

It is my aim, my destination in life to make the cello as beloved an instrument as the violin and piano.

Some days I feel like a piano: kind of short, always in black & white, always expected to produce music.

I never took guitar lessons. I took classical piano lessons from the age of six when we lived in Holland.

It's funny: I'm a lifelong musician, but because I principally play the piano it's been a solitary thing.

I took piano for many years. I kicked and screamed through all of my lessons, but my mom really insisted.

Sometimes I start just on the piano with a melody or musical idea that kind of leads me to certain lyrics.

Touch me ‘til my ribs become piano keys, ‘til there is sheet music scrolled across the inside of my lungs.

Ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony, side by side on my keyboard piano, oh Lord, why don't we?

Yes, I love to play drums and bass and guitar and piano. Those are the main instruments I play. That is it.

Bach opens a vista to the universe. After experiencing him, people feel there is meaning to life after all.

I'm an interpreter of stories. When I perform it's like sitting down at my piano and telling fairy stories.

I don't just strictly sample. I build. I'm a musician: I play piano and drums, I read notes, I write music.

My parents got my sister and I to go to church and have piano lessons. We were keen and they could see that.

Mozart has written opera, symphony, sacred and chamber music - not to mention his piano and violin concerti.

My activities tend to revolve around crossword puzzles, reading and playing piano and games with my friends.

It is incontestable that music induces in us a sense of the infinite and the contemplation of the invisible.

I prepared five songs, I sang them, and he hired me. I started working about a month later at the piano bar.

Rugby players are either piano shifters or piano movers. Fortunately, I am one of those who can play a tune.

Showing your movie to an audience... it's like your kid doing a piano recital. 'Just let it not fail. Please.

In junior high, I sang in madrigals, men's' and women's' choir. I played piano too, but then I got out of it.

Well, first I studied piano. I wasn't very satisfied because I though my teachers were dumb... and repressive.

I sit down and create atmospheres, start playing guitar or piano and just sing whatever comes out of my mouth.

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