I attribute my lean physique to the regime I've been following thanks to my brother Rahul who made sure fitness was of prime importance in my life.

When you look at my astonishing physique you probably think to yourself, This kid must eat nothing but molten steel. That's a common misconception.

I personally feel that, for some people, their physique and looks work for them. And when you're deprived of both these aspects, you rely on humour!

A well-maintained physique is a great business card. Ideas and intelligence are what matters, but if you have a well-maintained physique, it's better.

I am quite a physical chap - I think that's why my waist and physique are pretty much the same as when I was a kid, although my chest is a lot bigger.

My father is still so much a part of me - from my physique and fast metabolism, which I'm so thankful for now, to my sense of connection to the universe.

I'm all about helping people understand more about exercise in general and more specifically on occasion, about certain key parts of their body and physique.

He always describes his characters' voices and their physique so brilliantly. As people have said, they are cartoons, caricatures. They're grotesques really.

I think obviously the men's game has a greater emphasis on physique and strength and speed. The women's game can be quite skilful and tactical by comparison.

I don't want to ever look cheap on screen and want my viewers to squirm in their seats when they see me in such a scene. I'd rather wow them with my physique.

There's no one in the world close to Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is a phenomenon. He's brilliant. Just because his physique belies that, don't underestimate him.

Tennis always fascinated me, because it made every demand: technology, tactics, physique, endurance. The competition of one against one has a very special charm.

When I met Feroz Khan, he offered me a role of a villain in 'Yalgaar.' He also asked me to build my physique. As for villains action is a must, so I joined a gym.

If you're truly serious about your physique and health, in totality, I think you need to pull out all stops. You need to really just hone in on that warrior within.

I like the fact that the audience does notice the hard work that I put in to maintain my physique, and there is nothing better than having your hard work appreciated!

My tennis is aggressive, though I wouldn't say that it's more physical than technical. I rely more on technique than physique, but being physical is always a help to me.

In my opinion, Armani, better than any other designer, does great things for the female form. And a pair of Levis does great things for the male physique. Not that I look.

The very women who object to the morals of a notoriously beautiful actress, grow big with pride when an admirer suggests their marked resemblance to this stage beauty in physique.

When I first started out modelling, I was binding my chest at gigs to make sure my physique was able to be 'passable' as male. But now, I never bind. It's highly unsafe and unhealthy.

Fans love McGwire for his powerful physique, for his on-field hugs of his son, the part-time bat boy. He is Big Mac, or Paul Bunyan in Cardinals red with a white-ash bat instead of an ax.

I don't think I resemble a superhero at all, really. I don't think people would really imagine me to be a superhero. I certainly don't have the physique for it, and I'm not tall enough, etc.

Audience doesn't necessarily come only to see a hero with six-pack abs. They will watch him, but if someone who doesn't have that physique and is playing the protagonist, they'll watch that too.

There are footballers who are very good playing on the outside but don't know what to do inside. Then there are players who are very good inside but don't have the physique, the legs, to go outside.

One of my biggest drawbacks is my inability to maintain my physique. I put on weight for 'Soodhu Kavvum' and never managed to shed it. Luckily, that look suited a few films, including 'Orange Mittai.'

Frankly speaking, ever since my debut, I have been offered cop roles. However, I never felt confident about pulling them off, probably due to my short physique or the absence of the required traits in me.

When I started playing cricket, I knew that my physique is not at all like a typical fast bowler. My body language is also different, and I am not aggressive by nature; thus, my focus was always on my skills.

I don't know if people would be surprised by this or not, but I'm kind of into nutrition and weight lifting. I know I'm kind of a slender man, but the human physique fascinates me, and learning about metabolism.

If you want to be an actor today you have to come prepared with the entire package, which includes acting, dancing, action, PR skills, building your physique and all of it. Otherwise, nobody is going to touch you.

Cheat meals can be a great tool to develop your physique. They can reset hormones responsible for metabolism and insulin regulation, replenish glycogen for increased energy, and keep calorie-burning mechanisms high.

I am an actor who turned hero at age 32, after many years of struggle. I wanted to break the stereotype that only good-looking men with a good complexion, height and physique can be heroes, which I have managed to do.

I dislike turtlenecks at the best of times, as they are always unflattering to the imperfect male physique, but when worn in combination with a v-neck sweater, they say 'Grandpa' louder than any other item of clothing.

Dara Singh worked very hard to maintain his physique. I remember he would work in two to three films at a time and would work for 16 hours at a stretch. He would always do all his stunts by himself. His stamina was unbeatable.

I think that the cinema is a physical thing. What I'm looking for is creating a physical shock with the audience. I don't care of the meaning. I don't care of the idea. I don't want to say something. I want to make a 'shock physique.'

Compared to my physique before pregnancy, yes, I do feel different. I have worked really hard and changed a few things - not only my fitness regime but also my nutrition. When I think about it, being pregnant definitely helped my physique.

Matthijs is very mature for his age: he has the physique of a 24-year-old. He is also strong with both feet, has an extremely good range of passing, can head the ball, scores goals, and is a real leader at the back already at the age of 18.

It was Osgood-Schlatters. It wasn't good. It's a growing pains thing, and I had to have a lot of treatment on it. I just shot up immediately and didn't have any kind of physique to deal with it physically. I was tall, all arms and legs, and a bit gangly.

In New York, if you weigh under 200 pounds and decline so much as a cookie at a co-worker's party, women will flock to your side, assuring you of your appealing physique. This is how skittish we are about the dangers of anorexia and the pressures of body image.

A lot of people would question, 'is twenty-five minutes or thirty minutes a day really enough to have a good physique?' But that's how I live my life: I do short and intense workouts so that I can enjoy my day and be with my family and not be in the gym for hours.

I have been a vegetarian for a few years now, and I am honestly managing it quite well in sync with my workouts and maintaining my physique as well. From whey protein to cottage cheese to tofu, all my proteins, carbs and far content are well in place and balanced.

I realized a very long time ago, that I was never going to be the guy who, 'Oh, you look so big, let's push him in the main event and see,' or, 'Oh, this guy's got the best physique ever, let's put him in the main event and see.' It was always going to be the hard way.

I'm an example of someone that's got a big physique but doesn't touch any weights. I used to, but I realized when I used to touch weights I'd get a lot of soreness and mobility issues, so I'd get up and my shoulder would be hurting, not only the muscle but around the joint.

If you want to build a larger physique that actually makes you look like you lift, you need to train your shoulders, back, triceps, glutes, and legs more frequently. You probably also need to suck it up and train them harder than you ever have before if you want them to grow.

If you want to see your abs, you have to lose fat. I want to be sure there are no misconceptions that specific abs exercises will give you abs! I work with the core. Think about your abs and back working together to support your spine - that will give you an amazing physique!

I remember when I was young, before we started lifting and working out, I looked like I was bench-pressing other humans. I looked different than other girls. I had to be OK with the fact that I had a strong physique, no matter if people looked at me in an accepting way or not.

The Japanese look most diminutive in European dress. Each garment is a misfit and exaggerates the miserable physique and the national defects of concave chests and bow legs. The lack of 'complexion' and of hair upon the face makes it nearly impossible to judge of the ages of men.

I don't avoid carbs. I don't avoid protein. I think it's just, again, about balance and finding what works for you and your body. For me, having a higher protein, higher carbohydrate, and middle-of-the-road fat count usually gets the job done as far as my energy needs and for my physique.

Mascaras' physique, in terms of symmetry and size, and his style in the ring really made him stand out. He really did live up to his name 'The Man of 1,000 Masks.' I think he had 1,000 masks and more. You would really never see him wear the same outfit twice... He was always very, very colorful.

How curious that such an outsize man, in physique as well as personality, should be remembered today mainly for giving his name to a small fish. For the 19th century, Bismarck was no herring but a leviathan. Between 1862 and 1890, he created Germany, seeing off first the Austrian empire and then France.

I like to use the analogy of going to the gym. If you go to the gym and your goal is, 'I want to look just like David Beckham,' then that drives you to do certain things. You may never look like Beckham, but it is a goal. Cities need the same thing. They need a vision and a plan for their ideal physique.

I don't eat huge amounts, I'm just very lazy. But then this story appeared about me being on a diet and several weeks later I was snapped on holiday with my ''new physique'' on display, which was basically my old physique under a baggy T-shirt. I hadn't been on any diet. But I felt I had to live up to it.

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