I hate red-carpet photographs!

I always liked taking photographs.

Photographs speak to me, and I obey.

The camera photographs what's there.

I hate being the subject of photographs.

I find still photographs make me quite self-conscious.

Travel becomes a strategy for accumulating photographs.

All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth.

Photographs are two-dimensional. I work in four dimensions.

My photographs don't do me justice - they just look like me.

I like photographs which leave something to the imagination.

My father has made a museum with my cuttings and photographs.

I get to collaborate and tell stories with moving photographs.

Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.

Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.

Most photographs, to me, are description, but they lack insight.

I don't know how many millions of photographs have been taken of me.

I never think of photographs as being individual. Always as a group.

People believe that photographs are true and therefore cannot be art.

When you collect photographs, you're sort of at the mercy of the gods.

Our dreams are made of real things, like a shoebox full of photographs.

There are people who want photographs and autographs when they meet me.

I still love to look at photographs but I couldn't do it myself anymore.

I mean, taking photographs is a very nasty thing to do. It's very cruel.

There are wonderful museums with lots of photographs of 1920's musicals.

I'm really taken by the fact that my photographs live on somebody's wall.

Photographs can reveal something to us, and they can also conceal things.

There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.

I took individual photographs of Annie Liebovitz, I kept taking her picture.

Light is everything in photographs and has to be considered in all situations.

The web continues to be a source of important photographs you see nowhere else.

I have been told that some of my photographs maybe indicate that I am a painter.

I enjoy Instagram because it is a visual medium platform, with more photographs.

The photographs that are art have to be separated from the rest - then preserved.

I would say, if I had any hobbies, I love photography. I love taking photographs.

I have learned to be as strong and confident as the women I represent in photographs.

But empirically I've come to understand that my photographs really don't do any harm.

Because we do not sell photographs, we have no royalties on books, posters, postcards.

I touch up photos so people look as good in their photographs as they did in real life.

Why did I take fashion photographs? I thought it was fun. And there was a lot of money.

Photographs aren't accounts of scrutiny. The shutter is open for a fraction of a second.

Life is not significant details, illuminated by a flash, fixed forever. Photographs are.

I have a vision of life, and I try to find equivalents for it in the form of photographs.

We musicians often get inspiration from films and books or photographs, not only by music.

I look back at photographs and I remember at the time I thought I was not very attractive.

People taking photographs of their meals are not critics; they are from the United States.

No, I do a bunch of things to entertain myself. I paint, I make music, I take photographs.

I know that if I were to take ugly photographs, no one would be interested in looking at them.

In my photographs it is apparent that there was no posing at the moment I released the shutter.

One study found that people who smile in childhood photographs are less likely to get a divorce.

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