I literally change my phone number 10 times a year and I don't ever save my contacts.

When you got a cell phone you stopped making plans. 'I'll call you when I get there.'

By the time I was in the fourth grade, I sounded exactly like my father on the phone.

I think we have the attention span of a gnat. You know, with cell phones and Twitter.

Our phones have created what I like to call SADD - Social Attention Deficit Disorder.

My first phone was two tin cans tied together with string, and it worked pretty good.

It's exciting to take control of your future instead of waiting for the phone to ring.

When I run on stage now, a thousand people don't even see you, they're in their phone.

We're obsessed with making sure that voice and video work well even on low-end phones.

When I go mad, I call my friends by phone: I am afraid they might think they're alone.

For days after death hair and fingernails continue to grow, but phone calls taper off.

The phone rang. I picked it up. "Kate Daniels" "It's me," Curran said. "I—" I hung up.

Whether it's on top of a phone booth or a $200 million soundstage, it's about stories.

We live in a world where losing your phone is more dramatic than losing your virginity

If you're an actor, even a successful one, you're still waiting for the phone to ring.

Wives are people who think it's against the law not to answer the phone when it rings.

A good example of the modern world is the Eurotunnel. And mobile phones - I like them.

Drama was always clogging up the phone line. It's like that's what people call me for.

I set it off with my own rhyme / cause I'm as ill as a convict who kills for phone time

People with children and people with their own business always pick up a ringing phone.

All the best bits of a film happen when I'm looking down at my phone. Life, is similar.

What did we do before we had cell phones and we just had to sit there and be vulnerable?

I hate the amount of communication, the obligation that you have just by owning a phone.

I've given my phone number to the weirdest people. I get texts from people all the time.

As an old reporter, we have a few secrets, and the first thing is we try the phone book.

For joy, apparently, it was all Franny could do to hold the phone, even with both hands.

I have a tremendous appetite for life; the phone rings and your whole life could change.

Never say anything on the phone that you wouldn't want your mother to hear at your trial.

my friends don't seem to be friends at all but people whose phone numbers I haven't lost.

I played Laura Bush in a Tony Kushner piece, and afterward, I think my phones got tapped.

Before mobile phones, I used to call my parents from a phone box and reverse the charges.

The way we're going... if I called up another pitcher, he'd just hang up the phone on me.

Assuming I'm home and don't have an event, I'll have a massage or I'll talk on the phone.

I carry a small handbag and it has cash and credit cards, phones, hair ties and lip balm.

The future of mobile is the future of online. It is how people access online content now.

Basic mobile phones can circumvent lack of broadband access, but only to a certain extent.

I don't want to be on the phone talking numbers and budget. I want to be creating a world.

Evening bags should be just big enough for my phone, lipstick, house key, and credit card.

Phones rang constantly, as if the White House was conducting some kind of pardon telethon.

My mind is constantly going. For me to completely relax, I gotta get rid of my cell phone.

My father knows me better than anyone. He can tell me over the phone what I'm doing wrong.

I took Instagram off my phone! I took it off because I found I was looking at it too much.

I don't do things lightly, I don't take a job then just phone it in, I've never done that.

I have been on the phone 30 minutes with you and you haven't helped me solve this problem.

If you can only remain pure in your stupidity, someday you may get a phone call from hell.

You just sit home and masturbate. The phone is going to ring soon, but you just can't wait.

I'm old fashioned with my cell phone. I like that human contact and I think it's important.

Some day I'm gonna call me up on the phone, so when I answer, I can tell myself to shut up.

My mobile phone battery runs out all the time because all the messages come straight to me.

I'm much more into old-world, intimate conversations on the phone. I like to write letters.

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