When he who hears does not know what he who speaks means, and when he who speaks does not know what he himself means, that is philosophy.

Tantra won't work unless you've been trapped by spirituality. You have to be trapped by spirituality before you can be liberated from it.

O Heaven, it is mysterious, it is awful to consider that we not only carry each a future Ghost within him; but are, in very deed, Ghosts!

Sign language is the equal of speech, lending itself equally to the rigorous and the poetic, to philosophical analysis or to making love.

Anarchism as a political philosophy seeks to dissolve all forms of authority and power, and if possible, wishes their complete abolition.

If philosophy is to be a valuable part of life, we have to appreciate it for its own sake, and not just for what it's done for us lately.

There is a continuum between science and philosophy. As Fichte said (but did not practice), philosophy should be the science of sciences.

And if no Lethe flows beneath your casement, And when ten years have not brought full effacement, Philosophy was wrong, and you may meet.

Once you understand that there's a spiritual math, add soul to the science and subtract the riff-raff. 24-7-365, cause 9 to 5 ain't alive.

I think that's what we really need in America, for people to hear each other. And I think philosophy could do a little bit better on that.

I begin to perceive that I am a woman. What that is, heaven knows... the philosophy is yet to be written, there is a world to be explored.

Philosophy will clip an angel's wings, Conquer all mysteries by rule and line, Empty the haunted air, and gnomed mine - Unweave a rainbow.

Philosophy can bake no bread; but she can procure for us God, Freedom, Immortality. Which, then, is more practical, Philosophy or Economy?

The philosophy I shared... was one of ambition - ambition to succeed, ambition to grow, ambition to move forward - backed up by hard work.

My philosophy is the thicker the wood the thicker the sound, the bigger the string the bigger the sound. My smallest string is a 14 gauge.

Remain true to yourself and your philosophy. Changing in the face of adversity will in fact diminish your credibility with your customers.

For me, my secularism is, India first. I say, the philosophy of my party is 'Justice to all. Appeasement to none.' This is our secularism.

My philosophy - inclusive and pluralist Islam, dedicated to service to human beings from every faith - is antithetical to armed rebellion.

In the future, fast-fashion retailers might change their philosophy toward real efforts to create a world of their own. One can only hope.

The dynamic element in my philosophy, taken as a whole, can be seen as an obstinate and untiring battle against the spirit of abstraction.

That's kind of what we have here. I think we've just grown apart, we have different philosophies, and we're going in different directions.

The whole point of view of the anarchist is that everything must start from the bottom up, from man. It seems to me so human a philosophy.

Philosophy is the product of wonder. The effort after the general characterization of the world around us is the romance of human thought.

My philosophy is: if you don't bear a cross, you can't wear a crown so you gotta go through some form of humiliation to reach tribulation.

Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children.

It is as absurd to expect members of philosophy departments to be philosophers as it is to expect members of art departments to be artists.

The most important reason for going from one place to another is to see what's in between, and they took great pleasure in doing just that.

An idea will infect another with its own emotional interest when they have become both associated together into any sort of a mental total.

In philosophy, the principles are more interesting than the examples. In literature, the examples are more interesting than the principles.

The philosophy commonly called individualism is a philosophy of social cooperation and the progressive intensification of the social nexus.

The great critic … must be a philosopher, for from philosophy he will learn serenity, impartiality, and the transitoriness of human things.

PLATONIC, adj. Pertaining to the philosophy of Socrates. Platonic Love is a fool's name for the affection between a disability and a frost.

My philosophy on what makeup is...it's very different from what a woman's is. Makeup came from a very psychological place - of the peacock.

Zen is Tantric Buddhism, Vajrayana is tantric Buddhism - these are various forms of it. Tantric Buddhism simply means cutting to the chase.

Tantra and adventure are very, very connected. Perhaps the greatest enemy for one who's journeying along the spiritual path is complacency.

I learned much more about acting from philosophy courses, psychology courses, history and anthropology than I ever learned in acting class.

Don't try and understand this with your mind. There will be no absolute knowing, no certainty in these thoughts and philosophies and ideas.

Art and religion first; then philosophy; lastly science. That is the order of the great subjects of life, that's their order of importance.

My philosophy on writing books is that if you learn only one new thing, or even get a new take on something you already know, it's worth it.

I've had two children. I've had three boyfriends. I've had a lot of things happen that can change your opinions and values and philosophies.

Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend.

Philosophy finds itself to be no longer anything but the heir to a fabulous mystical theology, but missing a God and wiping the slate clean.

Philosophy is the art and law of life, and it teaches us what to do in all cases, and, like good marksmen, to hit the white at any distance.

The fact is, mental philosophy is very like Poverty, which, you know, begins at home; and indeed, when it goes abroad, it is poverty itself.

It is therefore wish'd that all commerce were as free between all the nations of the world as it is between the several counties of England.

We believe that when the right talent meets the right opportunity in a company with the right philosophy, amazing transformation can happen.

Before philosophy can teach by Experience, the Philosophy has to be in readiness, the Experience must be gathered and intelligibly recorded.

I think everybody should study ants. They have an amazing four-part philosophy. Never give up, look ahead, stay positive and do all you can.

I have no perfect panacea for human ills. And even if I had I would not attempt to present a system of philosophy between the soup and fish.

Every powerful movement has had its philosophy which has gripped the mind, fired the imagination and captured the devotion of its adherents.

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