Give because you love to give - as the flower pours forth its perfume.

I hope that the women who wear my perfume will have men all over them.

Smell alone amongst the senses can either destroy or quite remake a man.

I like Dolce & Gabbana's fragrance Light Blue - it's my everyday perfume.

Being stuck in airports, you always end up buying perfume and sunglasses.

I like wearing oils. Perfume makes me nauseous sometimes. It's too strong.

Everyone coming out of a perfume store is smelling the back of their hand.

A girl like that, Grandad said, perfumes herself with ozone and metal filings.

I don't wear perfume, and I don't like the air to be too saturated with scents.

Just like men, perfume is never perfect right away; you have to let it seduce you.

I really wanted to do my own perfume because I mix my own oils, so it just made sense.

Perfume is pretty good because nobody has to hold the product by their face or use it.

Kerosene," he said, because the silence had lengthened, "is nothing but perfume to me.

When I started to work on perfume, I could not reduce the idea of a woman to one smell.

Sandalwood is one of the ingredients in Tam Dao, the perfume that I love from Diptyque.

History could hover, like a faint perfume or a memory stamped on the back of one's eyelids.

There are no women who do not like perfume, there are women who have not found their scent.

You know some people say that you make watches or perfume bottles, it's all different things.

Let us then blend everything: love, religion, genius, with sunshine, perfume, music, and poetry.

It is impossible to identify a nice scent from within the chemical cloud of a perfume department.

Becoming a solo singer is like going from an eau de toilette to a perfume. It's much more intense.

I'm wearing a new perfume that I should recommend to the women in the audience; it's called 'Tester.

A perfume is more than an extract it is a presence in abstraction. A perfume, for me, is a mystique.

When I was a child, our summer days were spent swimming; chlorine in my hair was like perfume to me.

I love Serge Lutens orange blossom perfume; my mom got it for me. It's my favorite. It just smells clean.

The air smelled like a mélange of everyone's perfume and hair products, with a slight undertone of booze.

Her perfume or soap or whatever it was reminded him of sandalwood and something else. Oh, right...orgasms.

Once I was done making my album 'Cry Baby,' I knew I wanted to make a vintage-inspired baby bottle perfume.

When you're going back to school, you want something fresh and new, and perfume is the best way to do that.

Perfume follows you; it chases you and lingers behind you. It's a reference mark. Perfume makes silence talk.

Chanel No. 5 is my perfume when I'm feeling like a lady. It's old-school and warm - and it reminds me of my mom.

I occasionally wear Miss Dior perfume. It's quite elegant and feminine. It reminds me of a romantic evening out.

You wouldn't be caught wearing cheap perfume, would you? Then why do you want to wear cheap perfume in your conduct?

I'm so in love with Chanel's perfume bottles. I grew up seeing my mom use Chanel No. 5, so it's quite sentimental to me.

I don't often wear perfume, because I am sensitive to smells, but vanilla has a warmth to it, and it's inviting and soft.

A Leprecaun without a pot of gold is like a rose without perfume, a bird without a wing, or an inside without an outside.

Hygiene is important. You gotta smell good. So ladies, please spray some perfume. Hair gotta be done. You gotta look nice.

Perfume is like a parenthesis, a moment of freedom, peace, love and sensuality in between the disturbances of modern living.

You say the sweetest things. And that spaghetti perfume you're wearing is to die for. No hobo could resist." She snarled. Heh.

Taste and love are not the servants of the will. Love is and must be free. It rises from the heart like perfume from a flower.

I stepped into the bookshop and breathed in that perfume of paper and magic that strangely no one had ever thought of bottling.

Until I was a teenager, I used red pokeberries for lipstick and a burnt matchstick for eyeliner. I used honeysuckle for perfume.

I have to keep Dune perfume in my dressing room, because I always wear it, but I must never put it on in case it makes me choke.

What I'm doing, with my image, I have my perfumes. I've had that for almost 20 years, and I have like 14, 15 different perfumes now.

I have total confidence in Beaute Prestige International to accompany me in creating a perfume that interprets my work and my world.

Can anyone remember love? It's like trying to summon up the smell of roses in a cellar. You might see a rose, but never the perfume.

Prada Infusion d'Iris perfume - my mother wears it, so it feels like home away from home. It's lovely to smell her scent at all times.

I've been using the same hair wax for as long as I can remember. I'm not a gel guy, I'm not a perfume guy, not really into any of that.

I've been offered a lot of things that celebrities do that I wouldn't do, like perfumes, lines of clothing and this, that and the other.

Poems . . . are perfume bottles momentarily unstopped - what they release is volatile and will vanish, and yet it can be released again.

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