I don't actually like calling myself a rapper. I'm more a performer.

I'm able to shift gears from mom to performer to mom pretty quickly.

Mumaith Khan has unbelievable energy. She is a powerhouse performer.

I think he is an entertainer. I would prefer if he were a performer.

Usher is amazing. He's perfection to me as a performer. He gets down.

As a performer, the thing that I love is to see people come together.

I'm still learnin'. I pick up something from every performer I watch.

I love Nelly. He's such a great performer. He's so hyper and so am I.

I'm not a programmer; I'm more of a performer. I'm really bad at math.

My goal is to be remembered as a human being and as a great performer.

You know, I play in small, intimate venues; I'm not an arena performer.

I can't think of a performer who is better on television than in person.

I never wanted to perform and never proclaimed myself to be a performer.

I wasn't playing a drag queen - I was playing an extraordinary performer.

As a performer, the thing you want the most is to be your authentic self.

I don't consider myself a comic but a performer. A comic tells bad jokes.

In order to be a star performer you have to have someone to play against.

I grew into who I always wanted to be as a drag entertainer and performer.

Speaking purely from a musical standpoint, I think I am a great performer.

I've grown in a lot of ways - as a musician, as performer, as a songwriter.

Jack is a special performer, the kind that comes along once in a generation.

You always have to work to become a better singer, songwriter and performer.

The constant fear of a performer is to become what is reflected back at you.

I'm pretty straightforward as a performer, but I do have a bit of a diva in me.

I've always been a singer, but I don't know if I was always a natural performer.

I see myself as a performer and that applies to a Greek drama or a modern comedy.

To me, diva means an extraordinary, outrageously theatrical, brilliant performer.

I think it is - the biggest plus the performer can have is to be a little unique.

A tremendous social responsibility comes with being a successful public performer.

For me, there's a fine line between being a cheeseball and being a good performer.

I know that as a performer how much we rely on the fans for how we feel and react.

I'm the kind of performer who gets lost on stage. I can tap into this soulful haze.

I don't get on stage and give a social diatribe. I am a performer and an entertainer.

I had to go off to do my own thing, to get my confidence as a writer, and a performer.

As a performer, you want your audience to have as much fun as you are having on stage.

I think you have a limited amount of impact as an entertainer, performer, or musician.

I'm not, like, a natural performer. It's sort of a thing that I've had to learn to do.

I wasn't a trained Mickey Mouse club performer. I played in jazz clubs and restaurants.

Why, in such a case, should the performer essay any sort of considered approach at all?

No performer should attempt to bite off red-hot iron unless he has a good set of teeth.

I always stayed fit because I'm a performer, and all of those things help me to perform.

I figured if I played in the no-man's land of intimacy, I would learn to be a performer.

I never wanted to be a performer, I never wanted to be Yo Yo Honey Singh, the rock star.

I'm still a really shy performer and can't wear high heels and need to be with bare feet.

By nature, a woman is independent though she can have bindings. But, she is a lone performer.

It is still an open question, however, as to what extent exposure really injures a performer.

I'm a performer. I've just been one since I was a little girl. I used to pretend all the time.

The public pays and feels it is entitled to participate in the personal affairs of a performer.

The more accountable I can make you, the easier it is for you to show you're a great performer.

Shawn Michaels, to me and to so many people, is just the greatest in-ring performer of all time.

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