Advance, and never halt, for advancing is perfection. Advance and do not fear the thorns in the path, for they draw only corrupt blood.

We worship perfection because we can't have it; if we had it, we would reject it. Perfection is inhuman, because humanity is imperfect.

In short, if we adhere to the standard of perfection in all our endeavors, we are left with nothing but mathematics and the White Album.

The soul, Advancing ever to the source of light And all perfection, lives, adores, and reigns In cloudless knowledge, purity, and bliss.

It is however, reasonable, to have perfection in our eye; that we may always advance towards it, though we know it never can be reached.

Replace perfectionism with persistence. After all, in recovery and life, it's persistence that really pays off. Forget about perfection.

Ah, woman. She is an enigma. An anomaly of perfection & irony. She can lure angels into her arms & give birth to a nation of ideologies.

Has creation a final purpose at all, and if so why is it not attained immediately, why does perfection not exist from the very beginning?

Reaching toward perfection in any one thing should lift us higher in all things; it should beget a habit of application and thoroughness.

Religion becomes a state of mind achievable in almost any activity of life, if this activity is raised to a suitable level of perfection.

PERFECTION, n. An imaginary state of quality distinguished from the actual by an element known as excellence; an attribute of the critic.

Confronting your fears and allowing yourself the right to be human can, paradoxically, make you a far happier and more productive person.

To be always thinking about your manners is not the way to make them good; the very perfection of manners is not to think about yourself.

To be thirsty and to drink water is the perfection of sensuality rarely achieved. Sometimes you drink water; other times you are thirsty.

Truth is so great a perfection, that if God would render himself visible to men, he would choose light for his body and truth for his soul

The way to achieve happiness is to try for perfection that is impossible to achieve, and spend the rest of your life trying to achieve it.

In large studio paintings... composition, or arrangement, may be better studied, and nearer perfection, washes may be more suavely graded.

Ideas never lack for words. It is words that lack ideas. As soon as the idea has come to its last degree of perfection, the word blossoms.

You know one of the causes of modern despair is the fact that we have had proposed to us, from various quarters, an impossible perfection.

We have all been expelled from the Garden, but the ones who suffer most in exile are those who are still permitted to dream of perfection.

Aim at perfection and nothing less. Need the best. Deserve the best. Those who say it's not possible are the people who decided to settle.

Vegetarianism serves as the criterion by which we know that the pursuit of moral perfection on the part of humanity is genuine and sincere.

Mathematics as an expression of the human mind reflects the active will, the contemplative reason, and the desire for aesthetic perfection.

I don't believe in perfection. I don't think there is such a thing. But the energy of wanting things to be great is a perfectionist energy.

There is every reason to believe that our system will soon attain the highest degree of perfection of which human institutions are capable.

The perfection of conversation is not to play a regular sonata, but, like the AEolian harp, to await the inspiration of the passing breeze.

Man's salvation and perfection consists of doing the will of God which he must have in view in all things, and at every moment of his life.

To achieve perfection, one must first begin by not understanding many things! And if we understand too quickly, we may not understand well.

Ever since my childhood, I was haunted by the search for perfection. An imperfectly cut paper literally made me ill. I would guillotine it.

People throw away what they could have by insisting on perfection, which they cannot have, and looking for it where they will never find it

What we strive for in perfection is not what turns us into the lit angel we desire what disturbs and then nourishes has everything we need.

I'm a perfectionist in recovery. I'm trying to deal with that monster inside of me that wants to do everything right. Or better than right.

I have a belief that life isn't about balance, because balance is perfection Rather, it's about catching the ball before it hits the floor.

Choose to achieve perfection. We won't achieve it because perfection is impossible. But by pursuing perfection, we will achieve excellence.

The perfection of mathematical beauty is such...that whatsoever is most beautiful and regular is also found to be most useful and excellent.

Time pressure gradually corrupts an engineer's standard of quality and perfection. It has a detrimental effect on people as well as products

To love another another human in all of her splendor and imperfect perfection , it is a magnificent task...tremendous and foolish and human.

Life is a way of perfection. You need to work on yourself. You become a good person. If you do your work you will discover sublime feelings.

The Prophet, peace be on him, presents all the possibilities of the human state in perfection. Now, a part of that of course is love of God.

People throw away what they could have by insisting on perfection, which they cannot have, and looking for it where they will never find it.

Ease up on yourselves. Have some compassion for yourself as well as for others. There's no such thing as perfection, and life is not a race.

We are not to expect perfection in this world; but mankind, in modern times, have apparently made some progress in the science of government.

We're not called to perfection but to faithfulness. Sinlessness in this life isn't possible, but obedience unto godliness is. Sanctification.

The history of totalitarian regimes is reflected in the evolution and perfection of the instruments of terror and more especially the police.

Every particular in nature, a leaf, a drop, a crystal, a moment of time is related to the whole, and partakes of the perfection of the whole.

Even when we strive for perfection , life is nothing more than an attempt to achieve it through a series of greater or smaller imperfections.

The important thing is the willingness to give back the gift that is you, not the perfection of the gift itself. Can you feel the difference?

If you see misery, it's your misery. When you see the perfection where the seeming imperfection seems to be, the misery is only an apparency.

The wisdom of divine rule appears not in the perfection but in the improvement of the world... History is the true demonstration of Religion.

The goodness of a thing created is the perfection of its fitness for the use which it serves. Now that use is either particular or universal.

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