There was a perfection to the moment that made Sienna think: Yes, this is it. This is who we're meant to be together.

Each time you fall He'll pick you up. He knows your own efforts are never going to bring you anywhere near perfection

When I was young, I thought confidence could be earned w/ perfection. Now I know that you don't earn it; you claim it.

The kingdom of heaven is already in existence if we will have it, that perfection is already in man if he will see it.

Golf is a search for perfection, for balance. It's about meditation and concentration. You have to use hand and brain.

Nature has some perfections to show that she is the image of God, and some defects to show that she is only His image.

Don't wait for perfection before you start. Start somewhere so you can have something tangible you can work to perfect.

All the goodness, beauty, and perfection of a human being belong to the one who knows how to recognize these qualities.

Perfection is impossible. Trying to do your best is important, but loving yourself and loving others should come first.

Achieve some perfection [excellence] yourself, so that you may not fall into sorrow by seeing the perfection in others.

Don't imagine that your perfection lies in accumulating or possessing external things. Your affection is inside of you.

I don't think I've reached perfection by any stretch of the imagination, but maybe someday I'll become a perfectionist.

Letting go of the need for perfection releases a burst of energy - and guess what - you may accidentally do a good job.

We all parent the best we can. Being human, we're ambivalent. We want perfection for our babies, but we also need sleep.

Perfection in any endeavor is an aiming point. Let the desire for it push you, but don't let the absence of it stop you.

How happy is it for us, that the admiration of others should depend so much more on their ignorance than our perfection!

A scene is never completed, but simply abandoned when the search for perfection is no longer producing positive results.

The true finish is the work of time, and the use to which a thing is put. The elements are still polishing the pyramids.

Your desire for perfection is the cause of anger. Leave room for imperfection. Perfection in action is almost impossible.

More progress results from the violent execution of an imperfect plan than the perfection of a plan to violently execute.

Personal perception of perfection is like that. You see what you want to see. After awhile you just see what you need to.

I call "crystallization" that action of the mind that discovers fresh perfections in its beloved at every turn of events.

At the beginning and the middle and the end of all things, there is only the perfection of enlightenment that is nirvana.

I do not believe that I am a perfectionist one bit. I truly believe that perfection is something that no one can achieve.

In all her twisted perfection she had made me fall helplessly in love with her. A life without her in it seemed pointless.

All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the base of our splendid failure to do the impossible.

Don't be bothered by perfection. Replace the word 'Perfection' by 'Totality. Totality will give you a different dimension.

The true purpose of life is the perfection of humanity through individual effort, under the guidance of God's inspiration.

We may be truly said to worship God, though we lack perfection; but we cannot be said to worship Him if we lack sincerity.

I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again.

Perfection in asana is achieved when the effort to perform it becomes effortless and the infinite being within is reached.

My intent is simply to know my material so well that I'm very comfortable with it. Confidence, not perfection, is the goal.

Reason is the life of the law; nay, the common law itself is nothing else but reasonThe law, which is perfection of reason.

Difficulties can be a valuable tool in our pursuit of perfection. Adversity need have no necessary connection with failure.

Perfection is always infinite. We are the Infinite already. You and I, and all beings, are trying to manifest that infinity.

Jonathan is that brilliant little fire that burns within us all, that lives only for those moments when we reach perfection.

Our happiness consists in sharing the happiness of God, the perfection of His unlimited freedom, the perfection of His love.

Ive seen the majestic beauty of nature and the overwhelming perfection of it. To me, theres nothing closer to God than that.

Asanas bring perfection in body, beauty in form, grace, strength, compactness, and the hardness and brilliance of a diamond.

As creators, our pursuit of perfection might be misguided, particularly if it comes at the expense of the things that matter.

Learn the difference between striving for excellence and striving for perfection. The first is attainable; the second is not.

There is still that singular perfection, and it's perfect in part because it seemed, at the time, so clearly to promise more.

Reason is the life of the law; nay, the common law itself is nothing else but reason - the law which is perfection of reason.

For every one step that you take in the pursuit of higher knowledge, take three steps in the perfection of your own character

Everything, if you could only see it clearly enough, like this, is beautiful and complete. Everything has its own perfection.

An action is the perfection and publication of thought. A right action seems to fill the eye, and to be related to all nature.

Perfection is very difficult to achieve, and perfection was what I wanted in McDonald's. Everything else was secondary for me.

To do as one would be done by, and to love one's neighbour as oneself, constitute the ideal perfection of utilitarian morality

To be ambitious of true honor, of the true glory and perfection of our natures, is the very principle and incentive of virtue.

I've seen the majestic beauty of nature and the overwhelming perfection of it. To me, there's nothing closer to God than that.

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