I want to help people either way, whether it's directly or indirectly.

I don't try to hurt people in any way, and I try to help out wherever I can.

I go out of my way to help people, but I don't tell people. Goodness is not about beating your own drum.

I'm not sure there's another way to help move more people out of poverty than to raise the minimum wage.

I share my story to help other people. I know people need someone to be a role model and help them along the way.

We don't want to own people's photos. We want to help them communicate with friends in whatever way makes them happiest.

I like visceral writing that people can't help but respond to, even if they respond, and they're shocked, or they're angry, or they're offended. I think that's the only way to reach people.

People have become obsessed with the greed of celebrity and self-branding and wanting to be known and recognized and succeed in some way, and they're not prepared to share and help each other.

Hardly any actor objects to press. It's a question of it being done in the way they like to see it done, meaning to get down to the serious interview what the profession is so we can reach out to the people to help them get along.

When a mother feels cold, she asks the child to wear a sweater. Our concept of poverty is that way. When we do a project and people receive our help, we may think that they are getting benefited, but is this what they really wanted?

You don't have to be a Brad Pitt look-alike hero just to be courageous and help out your friends and come through when it really matters. I think everyone can sort of relate to that in some way, particularly back to people's school days.

I moved to Harvard in 1998, and in 2000 the first kidney exchange in the United States was done at a hospital nearby. I started to think, 'Gee, there might be a way where I could help organize it, make it easier for people to find kidneys.'

I think that if there's some innovative entrepreneurs out there who can help teach people how they can cost-effectively help themselves and their planet, I think everybody would be for it. That's going to be the challenge - figuring a way to get the marketplace and commerce to teach us consumers another way.

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