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The death penalty in the U.S. has become a political tool - and it should never be that.
The lines marking a penalty area are a disgrace to the playing fields of a public school.
Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty... mine's putting in an express lane.
The penalty of success is to be bored by the attentions of people who formerly snubbed you.
Only the man who has enough good in him to feel the justice of the penalty can be punished.
There could probably be a penalty called on every single play. So the refs have a tough job.
If there is a chance to ever take a penalty I am going to ask the manager and I would do it!
Evolving societal values indicate that the death penalty should be abolished in its entirety.
If, through death penalty, we can create fears, though it's against my will, we have to do it.
Always keep your composure. You can't score from the penalty box; and to win, you have to score.
I've always stuck my arms behind my back anyway when trying to block a shot in the penalty area.
I was badly mauled by people in New York State for being against the death penalty for 12 years.
I'm pro-death penalty, but what I have not seen is anybody that would mock someone on death row.
The penalty for getting mugged in an American city and losing your ID is that you can't fly home.
For me, the ethical arguments that resonate strongest are the ones that oppose the death penalty.
I hope that America will do away with the death penalty. I truly believe we are better than that.
I can see when people's minds are wrong. You can see when a footballer's going to miss a penalty.
My nation wants the death penalty. That is the decision of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
I play the game as honestly as I can. If the referee gives a penalty there is nothing you can do.
We're also the only country that has the Death Penalty. That's something to boast about, isn't it?
Knowing where a team will usually place a penalty can be the difference between winning or losing.
Most states in the union where the death penalty is theoretically on the books don't have executions.
I am not a proponent of the death penalty, but I will enforce the law as this Congress gives it to us.
I don't get wrapped up in the politics of going down to win a penalty or getting an opponent sent off.
The pressures are intense, because the rewards for success and the penalty for failure are more and more.
With handball, you have soft facts but not hard facts. The shot is wide, and then suddenly, it's a penalty.
I like playing just outside of my own penalty box, the player who receives the ball and organises the game.
It was a fair decision, the penalty, even though it was debatable whether it was inside or outside the box.
I saw my parents as gods whose every wish must be obeyed or I would suffer the penalty of anguish and guilt.
When the SEC needs to be deterring corporate wrongdoing, the 'penalty pilot' program sends the wrong message.
If we are to abolish the death penalty, I should like to see the first step taken by my friends the murderers.
Those who support the death penalty are accepting a practice that is both ineffective and fundamentally flawed.
Any effort to make the death penalty speedier and less costly - more 'efficient' - will inevitably make it less just.
Mothers suffer in the workplace. That fact is by now so painfully familiar it even has a name: the motherhood penalty.
As a player, you never want a penalty shoot-out, because it is a lottery to some extent. You'd rather win in 90 minutes.
The majority of Utah's citizens do not merely approve the death penalty, they demand it - the state religion demands it.
It is a fundamental principle of democracy that citizens obey the law or incur whatever penalty applies to its breaking.
Sometimes, I actually feel good when I get a penalty, because I get to rest for two minutes - hopefully just two minutes.
If you yell at your box, I'm not really sure it's something where it should be a penalty. It seems like you hurt yourself.
The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life. Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat.
The feeling is that video assistant referees and technology are here to help us, especially for justice in the penalty area.
I think when I was younger, I knew I was either going to get a penalty or score a goal. It was a gamble. But it benefited me.
'Til the infallibility of human judgements shall have been proved to me, I shall demand the abolition of the penalty of death.
One thing I detest most about the financial press is the lack of accountability. All sorts of nonsense is said without penalty.
The death penalty is ineffective as a deterrent, and the appeals process is expensive and cruel to the surviving family members.
Our keeper, Karen Bardsley, stakes out any penalty, any free-kick, any corner. KB knows the detail of how the person will take it.
In corporations, the penalty for repeated failure on known tasks is being reassigned to other tasks or asked to leave the company.
When I arrived in France aged 20, I marched against the death penalty, which was an unpopular thing to protest against at the time.
When you sit around at dinner talking about the death penalty, it's hard to find relevance in what color shoes will be next season.
Would I - or any defender - tell the referee to give a penalty if I made a foul in the box but it was deemed a fair tackle? No chance.