If I start paying attention to the mechanics of a film while watching it, then it's generally a bad film.

I had a pension that I was paying into for 27 years... It's now worth less than a Herman Cain endorsement.

You have to figure out some way of making money without relying on video ads or people paying to download.

No kidding. That's really true. You're paying your own bills through this. It's not a pleasant experience.

If you are paying attention, then the day is going to be pretty joyful, and a lot of delight will fill it.

I think the number one thing Black women and all Black people should be paying attention to is our health.

It's not about battling the original artists when I record these songs, it's about paying tribute to them.

I do feel like food should cost more, because we aren't paying farmers a living wage. It has to cost more.

I want to create my own living space and grow my own food instead of paying someone to supply those for me.

In Puerto Rico, there has developed a culture of taking out loans and not paying them back. That has ended.

We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.

It's appalling how much money raised at some charity events gets wasted on paying personnel and admin staff.

Just smiling at someone walking down the street can make the person's day. It's all about paying it forward.

My recollection is - and I'd have to confirm this - but I don't recall paying any money to go to law school.

On stage, you've got dialogue you've learned. You've got a paying audience. It couldn't be better, you know?

I got signed to Ring Of Honor because Jim Cornette happened to be paying attention to something I was doing.

I like giving the audience a lot of stuff to look at, and rewards for repeated viewings and paying attention.

The first part of my career, how I was paying the bills was commercials. I was just doing tons of commercials.

My WWE career has been amazing. It took a lot of time for me to get here, and you never stop paying your dues.

My dad saw my husband's boss at a conference, and he said to stop paying my husband until we produce children.

I like not having to worry about paying the bills, but I have to watch myself because I don't come from money.

I've worked really hard to get to where I am. Slow and steady wins the race, and I believe in paying your dues.

Individual responsibility, hard work, paying attention in school, faith, family all these things are important.

We are, in many respects, in a moral and spiritual free-fall in our country, and we are paying a terrible price.

I was not paying attention during physics in high school; I was wondering if I was going to be cast in 'Pippin.'

A boatload of government money is indeed a gift. Unless, I suppose, you're one of the saps paying for the cargo.

Anyone who doesn't think the welfare-industrial complex is trying to increase dependency isn't paying attention.

I've never had a problem with people paying attention to what you're doing and say they find that they liked it.

There is a hugely underserved population out there... those who are the least capable of paying pay the highest.

I am so old-fashioned. I've never lived with a man. I am completely about the independence of paying my own rent.

I've been shocked for a long time in a lot of circumstances. I get shocked when they say, 'Hey, we're paying ya.'

I love loyalty, and I love paying back my end of loyalty, you know what I'm saying? I love making it full circle.

More people working and paying taxes reduces government expenditures and helps us move a little closer to balance.

Every black comedian in the country knew what I could do. But that doesn't mean everyone else is paying attention.

Everybody has to be responsible for their own actions - and if they do something wrong, I believe in paying for it.

There are restaurants you can go in and pay $100 a person for a meal. I get as much satisfaction out of paying $25.

So your emotional state really has a lot to do with what you're thinking about and what you're paying attention to.

If anyone would have been paying serious attention to my puppet shows, I would have been sent to therapy very young.

When school children start paying union dues, that 's when I'll start representing the interests of school children.

I felt rich when I was 20 years old and my wife was paying my bills. Just being in a band, I've always felt blessed.

I'm smart with my money, I invest conservatively. I don't mind paying top-dollar, but I don't want to get ripped off.

I often say that paying off your debt is like dieting. There are no miracle cures; it takes discipline and hard work.

We should not allow wealthy people, including corporate criminals, to hide their assets and avoid paying their bills.

The idea that growth will remedy our debts is so addictive for politicians, but the citizens end up paying the price.

I've been working on my finishing for quite some time. It's just a question of paying attention to the minor details.

Those who take their money abroad in an effort to avoid paying American taxes should lose their American citizenship.

We are now paying the cost of people who move jobs overseas as taxpayers, and people are appalled when they hear that.

I've tried to be open to what's going on and paying close attention, not letting things that inspire me to pass me by.

You can't be a major company today without paying attention to celebrities. They are the leaders in beauty and fashion.

We have got a - we've got a good federal work force, but we have too many people, and we're paying them too much money.

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