Weave, weave the sunlight in your hair-

He's out of his depth on a wet pavement.

Leaves covered pavement like soggy cereal.

Under the pavement the dirt is dreaming of grass.

Hip-hop is about the brilliance of pavement poetry.

Parks are but pavement disguised with a growth of grass.

On pavements and the bark of trees I have found whole worlds.

When I hit that pavement at 70 or 80 mph those suits just ripped.

I love 'Wowee Zowee.' That was the first Pavement record I bought.

I never had to pound the pavement and really struggle after college.

If you cannot convince a Fascist, acquaint his head with the pavement.

People are the nature of the city, and you can feel it in the pavement.

When I grew up in central London, we had six pavement slabs for a garden.

The only way to amuse some people is to slip and fall on an icy pavement.

People think that I popped out of my mother's womb singing 'Chasing Pavements'.

We leave our presence in the pavement. We're walking over it, sitting on steps.

Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavement, even if it leads nowhere?

It's kinda hard to be optimistic, When your homies lying dead on the pavement twisted.

I was real into Devo, Pavement, Captain Beefheart, and the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion.

As I criss-cross the city hurrying, I feel always the unchanging cold beneath the pavement.

On the pavement of my trampled soul the steps of madmen weave the prints of rude crude words.

I trip over my legs all the time. I'll wave to somebody, look up, and end up eating pavement.

'Summer Babe' is the start of Pavement front-loading their albums with the catchiest song first.

Illusions mistaken for truth are the pavement under our feet. They are what we call civilization.

There can be no doubt that a society rooted in the soil is more stable than one rooted in pavements.

In the advance of civilization, it is new knowledge which paves the way, and the pavement is eternal.

With Pavement, we had no managers and never had a lawyer. We got lucky with not signing any bad deals.

Suppose I lay down on the pavement and you run over me a few times with my own car...just for old times.

I have no deep desire to hit the pavement and audition for TV projects or raise money to produce a show.

Stand on the highest pavement of the stair- Lean on a garden urn- Weave, weave the sunlight in your hair.

Part of the challenge of Most Wanted is trying to become the most notorious street racer on the pavement.

2017 may have been that year when identity politics hit a brick wall - and slumped limply on the pavement.

Our failures can leave behind pavement or potholes. Our ability to receive grace determines which it will be.

The soil under the grass is dreaming of a young forest, and under the pavement the soil is dreaming of grass.

The great doctors all got their education off dirt pavements and poverty - not marble floors and foundations.

All I've done is work... I arrived in Los Angeles in my early 20s and I've been pounding the pavement ever since.

He who touches the soil of Manhattan and the pavement of New York, touches, whenever he knows or not, Walt Whitman.

A simple social engineering hack might involve leaving a thumb drive on the pavement close to the driver's door of a car.

A line will take us hours maybe; Yet if it does not seem a moment's thought, our stitching and unstitching has been naught.

I had a vision ... of being found on the pavement by some passerby, with a small punctuation mark ending my sentence of life.

I'd love to retire somewhere like Winchester, where you have one foot on the pavement but a sense of being in the country as well.

I want my audience to be constantly captivated, bewitched, so that it leaves the theatre dazed, stunned to be back on the pavement.

Nothing's gonna change the world, nothing's gonna change the world. There was Lennon and a happy gun, there were words on the pavement.

Misunderstanding is my cornerstone. It's everyone's, come to think of it. Illusions mistaken for truth are the pavement under our feet.

She needed to get out of there. Her brains, thankfully, were still safely in her skull, but her emotions were splattered on the pavement.

And there it is: Even though we’re standing in the same patch of sun-drenched pavement, we might as well be a hundred thousand miles apart.

Controversy seems to be a by-product of what I do, rather like offence is the by-product of a dog urinating on the pavement. It just happens.

Why is life so tragic; so like a little strip of pavement over an abyss. I look down; I feel giddy; I wonder how I am ever to walk to the end.

It’s been a long time since Sherlock Holmes jumped off that roof - it’s time to reveal the truth about what happened between him and the pavement.

Music is my love and to me acting is more mercenary. I don't pound the pavements for roles: if it happens, it happens. I hate that auditioning thing.

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