Exercise makes me a better parent. I'm calmer and happier.

Disobedient parents are a great trouble to their children.

Your thought is the parent that gives birth to all things.

My mom, for all intents and purposes, was a single parent.

The worst thing your parents can do is try to emulate you.

Young people can change and grow. Every parent knows that.

I grew up Mormon. I wasn't really Mormon, my parents were.

Dear parents, teach your children to pray. Pray with them.

all children blackmail their parents with their innocence.

My parents just neglected me, I wasn't abused or anything.

My parents wanted me to work in a bank or as an accountant.

I think part of being a parent is trying to kill your kids.

My parents were music lovers and collectors. It was around.

A parent's best intentions are no substitute for attention.

You can't bond with a male until you set your parents free.

Rashness is the faithful, but unhappy parent of misfortune.

My parents encouraged me in everything I ever wanted to do.

Children now expect their parents to audition for approval.

My parents were neither very poor nor conspicuously honest.

My parents both came from very poor working-class families.

Being a parent does not give you an excuse for bad manners.

I don't think I'd be a very good parent. I'd be too honest.

My parents are going to kill me!" "That seems rather harsh.

I had a wonderful childhood. My parents were a dream to me.

If parents would only realize how they bore their children.

Every home is a university and the parents are the teachers.

I learned the way a monkey learns - by watching its parents.

Chinese parents believe that their kids owe them everything.

Smack your child every day. If you don't know why - he does.

No parent should have their child die before he or she does.

It is the uninvolved parent who has to resort to strictness.

The best way to be beautiful is to choose your parents well.

Love is the child of illusion and the parent of disillusion.

To how many is the death of the beloved the parent of faith!

How can such scary looking parents create something so cute?

The man who disobeys his parents will have disobedient sons.

I don't believe in Hell, but I believe in my parents' couch.

Nobody can misunderstand a child as much as his own parents.

My mum and mad were both very generous, encouraging parents.

We are not naughty children, and the state is not our parent.

My parents were really strict about me not watching cartoons.

It's nice to have cool parents. They're cool with everything.

My parents are both scientists, and I was raised without god.

Any woman knows that it takes two people to be a good parent.

Children betrayed their parents by becoming their own people.

My parents still treat Christmas like I'm thirteen years old.

I was alone a lot as a kid, because my parents were divorced.

A wretched child Is he who does not return his parents' care.

Your parents want to think they have a healthy, happy family.

A slavish bondage to parents cramps every faculty of the mind

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