My list of things I never pictured myself saying when I pictured myself as a parent has grown over the years.

Kids haven't changed much, but parents seem increasingly unhappy with the child raising phase of their lives.

If you were mean to your parents, they'd give you a good belt in the gob and send you flying across the room.

It's not that I succeed, it's that everyone else has to fail, horribly, preferably in front of their parents.

What would my parents think about America if they arrived here today? Would they even want to come? I wonder.

Years later, nothing makes me more grateful as a parent than my daughters' encounters with classroom wizards.

Our rule is: If it makes the parent laugh, and the kid asks why, that can't be an uncomfortable conversation.

My parents were very pleased that I was in the army. The fact that I hated it somehow pleased them even more.

I have parents come up to me and say, 'I don't know who you are, but my kid wants his picture taken with you.

My secret vice is Sudoku puzzles. Can't stop playing them. My parents are accountants. I blame them entirely.

I needed to purge myself of all the attention my parents had given me - I wasn't neglected enough as a child.

I don't think parents always know where their children are going or what they are doing, what they are up to.

When they asked Jack Benny to do something for the Actor's Orphanage - he shot both his parents and moved in.

I think that what happens when you lose a parent, where you lose - you drop into a different kind of serious.

Millions of cats are in shelters across the country waiting for a loving parent or family to bring them home.

I think because I'm not a parent, my most immediate connection to childhood is my memory of my own childhood.

Parents are flawed human beings who are given a role that more approximates that of God than of mere mortals.

Anxiety is the beginning of conscience, which is the parent of the soul but is not compatible with innocence.

My sister is Korean and my parents adopted her about three years before I was born and that is how I grew up.

My parents weren't involved in show business but my parents would show me. We'd watch old films in the house.

My parents instilled in me that life was going to be very difficult and that I'd have to work for everything.

Remember that I was out of the closet at the age of sixteen. My parents knew I was gay; I'd had to tell them.

I would ask my parents something, but then go to my siblings. We were encouraged to bounce ideas off everyone.

Irreverence ran on both sides of our parents brought me up to think we could all change the world.

If you see in your children most of your own faults, you have failed as a parent, but succeeded as a neurotic.

All that 'poor hometown girl who marries into Hollywood royalty'. It's actually quite insulting to my parents.

You know some of the people in The Strokes, yeah, their parents had success - but we didn't live like yuppies.

I think that becoming a parent kind of made me try to be more responsible. And it made me much more stressful.

The prime purpose of being four is to enjoy being four - of secondary importance is to prepare for being five.

Everybody always wants to rebel against their parents' music, but nobody listened to music louder than my dad.

Parents are always more knowledgeable than their children, and children are always smarter than their parents.

No matter what circumstances, it's hard to be a parent and maintain a sense of self and identity in the world.

My parents taught me to approach the world critically, but also to approach it with a sense of responsibility.

I can direct dial today a man my parents warred with. They wanted to kill him, I want to sell software to him.

Sometimes it is worth any amount of suffering just to prevent giving your parents the opportunity to be right.

Cindy and I are adoptive parents. We know what a treasure and joy it is to have an adopted child in our lives.

I had great representatives looking out for my best interests and safety. They just happened to be my parents.

My mom was a working woman. She made more money than my dad. Both my parents worked. And this was in the '60s.

If a child goes the wrong way, it is not the child who is to be blamed; it is the parents who are responsible.

The most transgressive, the most taboo, the darkest act that could happen is a parent killing their own child.

The result desired by the state is a wholly different one from that desired by parents, guardians, and pupils.

Everything I did with my life I did so that I could give my parents everything they didn't have because of me.

I was on significant financial aid, an only child, with parents who didn't have much living in North Carolina.

I'd been raised by my parents to believe barfing your feelings on other people was the height of impoliteness.

I think people should be given a test much like driver's tests as to whether they're capable of being parents!

My parents sacrificed so much for all of us. It makes me want to give back to them by being the best I can be.

And there should not be a limit on the creation of new public schools. We ought to expand choices for parents.

She wondered if this was true of every parent: if, prior to having children, they all used to be someone else.

I would like to thank my parents in Vergaio, a little village in Italy. They gave me the biggest gift: poverty.

With my family background - my parents were both activists - writing about culture and politics came naturally.

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