I always joke around with my parents and say that if Hollywood doesn't work out I'll go to Broadway!
I would have given anything to keep her little. They outgrow us so much faster than we outgrow them.
I am happiest when I'm sitting on my parent's couch with the fire place on and talking to my family.
Strange about parents. We have such easy access to them and such daunting problems of communication.
Until you become a parent, you can't begin to discover your capacity for strength, love and fatigue.
My parents wanted me to be smart and be a scholar, and the best I could do was graduate high school.
My parents taught me that AIDS was a man-made disease designed to get rid of the undesirable people.
Parents don't realize that when they teach you about the Holocaust too early, it ruins you for life.
As a parent with a child with autism, it's been really tough to experience your child having autism.
I come from very conservative parents, and we weren't particularly wealthy, but we were comfortable.
My acting career began at age three and my parents got me into it. I was in a McDonald's commercial.
Grilling outside with my parents at the Jersey shore. We would grill lobster and corn in the summer.
I'm very close to my parents and we built a sailboat together when I was growing up. We're partners.
My parents were the traditional Filipino parents who didnt talk about money around the dinner table.
I don't come from a family of readers - in fact, my parents are unable to read the books in English.
Value people because of who they were deep down, not because of their names or their parents’ clout.
Lovers, children, heroes, none of them do we fantasize as extravagantly as we fantasize our parents.
When my dad was in Vietnam, we lost a parent for a year. Thank God we didn't lose a parent for good.
There is never much trouble in any family where the children hope someday to resemble their parents.
I'm not a tech-savvy parent. I communicate with my children via the old-media format called yelling.
I was an only child, but then my parents resettled with different partners, and I am now one of six.
When I make a book, I make it for the child and not for the parent - no jokes in it for the parents!
You may find that your parents are the most delightful people, but you don't want to live with them.