I was never a Packers fan.

I'm a lifetime Green Bay Packers fan.

My pops played for the Packers for five years.

I'm working as hard as I can to get back to Packer Nation.

It would be such an honor and a blessing to join the Packers!

I am so blessed and fortunate to be a part of Packers nation.

If you can't beat them (Packers), You might as well join them

I think that for me, it's God, family and Yahoo - in that order.

I also played in the 1967 Super Bowl against the Green Bay Packers.

Not since Reggie White have the Packers had a pass rusher of this magnitude.

The fan base for the Cleveland Browns is more passionate than Green Bay Packers fans.

The Packers have lots of owners nobody knows instead of one owner who doesnt know squat.

The Packers have lots of owners nobody knows instead of one owner who doesn't know squat.

I know Packers fans are invested in the team - even more so than the rest of the country.

days like this. i look at you and feel electric. tell me you don't feel it too."_Eric Packer

I'll put the Packers' best players on defense. It's best for a team and good for its morale.

I'm a lifelong Vikings and Packers fan because I lived in both Minnesota and Wisconsin as a kid.

You have to give it to the Packers. They are a good team. They have a great offense and a great defense.

You never imagine that the Green Bay Packers were going to be in something you wrote or singing 'Bootylicious.'

For some young people, their first experience ever hearing punk rock music was playing the Green Bay Packers on 'Madden'.

When I was younger, I grew up a Packers fan because my dad played for the Packers. As I got older, I've fallen away from it.

Green Bay is a blue-collar community, and it's all about the Packers. I was able to go there, slow down and focus on the game.

I do follow the NFL. It took me a while to get back into it, but I do follow it religiously now. Huge Packers and Steelers fan.

Martina's like the old Green Bay Packers. You know exactly what she's going to do, but there isn't a thing you can do about it.

Look at the old Packers - those guys were mean. Reggie White would say, 'Here comes Jesus,' and then he'd club you into next week.

I break down the tape like I'm a quality-control coach, just like I was with the Packers in 1992. I break it down by hand, every play.

Teamwork is what the Green Bay Packers were all about. They didn't do it for individual glory. They did it because they loved one another.

My three children played soccer and lacrosse. I grew up as a Green Bay Packers fan. I am not against sports. We want kids to play sports, but we want them to be safe.

We had heard online that there were a number of pro athletes who were big fans of 'Pitch Perfect.' We came to learn that the primary fans were these Green Bay Packers.

I'm not a Packers fan. I just like football. I do respect those guys. You respect great football. I'm a Cowboys fan, or I was a Cowboys fan. You just respect great football.

It was the character of the Packers, man. We played for sixty minutes. We let it all hang out. There was no tomorrow for us. We got the adrenaline flowing, and we just let it go, man.

At an unusually young age, I read 'Instant Replay' by Jerry Kramer, which talked a lot about the Green Bay Packers and Vince Lombardi. From there I was really more a fan of coaches than teams and players.

I lived in Wisconsin for a while, so I keep my eyes on the Packers. I grew up in San Diego, so there's the Chargers, but outside of that, I'm really kind of lame because I don't have a specific team I pull for.

I played in Green Bay. I look at their stadium, I look at the Packers Hall of Fame and all the things that go into that experience. I feel the Oakland Raiders are an organization that deserves something like that.

I had pro offers from the Detroit Lions and Green Bay Packers, who were pretty hard up for linemen in those days. If I had gone into professional football the name Jerry Ford might have been a household word today.

In New York, I run into Packers fans who have never lived in Wisconsin, Canadiens fans who have never lived in La Belle Province, Celtics fans who admire Russell and Bird and Pierce but have no trace of a Boston accent.

I had no idea the Vikings were interested. I was actually expecting other teams because the Green Bay Packers and three or four other teams asked for film after the combine in Dallas, and the Vikings weren't one of them.

God has blessed me to be where I'm at today. All the trials and tribulations I faced throughout my career and life. Look at where I'm at now, I'm the all-time Packers leading receiver of that franchise. That tells you a lot.

Nobody's tuning in - let's check the TV Guide listings and see what game Joe Buck is calling. Nobody cares. They want to see the Cubs. They want to see the Packers. They want to see the Cowboys. They don't care who's calling the game.

Going back to coach in Green Bay was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life. I was approached by the organization, and it turned out to be an enormous mistake. I was extremely disappointed. I disappointed the Packers and their fans.

Everything we talk about is about beating the Packers, the Bears and the Vikings. Obviously there are other teams in the league, but if you can dominate and be on top of your division you are always in the playoff hunt. It's time for us to win that thing.

A lot of people, when they see my career, they hear or remember, 'Sat on the bench four years in college, got cut by the Packers, worked in a grocery store, and then won the Super Bowl.' That's kind of the timeline the people see when they hear 'Kurt Warner.'

I love coming back to Wisconsin. Lambeau Field is such a special place - a lot different than the old city stadium next to East High School when I first arrived in 1956. The facilities were nothing like they are today, as the Packers were in tough financial times.

My mom's whole side of the family, they're all Packers fans. My mom's a Bears fan. My stepdad is a Vikings guy. So that gets ugly. My mom sits upstairs watching the Bears game; he sits in the basement. They can't watch it together. Football's a violent anger in our family dynamic.

Everything gets thrown off depending on whether the Packers are playing. I grew up in L.A., and we had a terrible quarterback, Roman Gabriel. When I was 11 years old, I fired him, I fired the Rams, and I picked a quarterback I aspired to be. That was Bart Starr. That's how long I've been a Packers fan.

I've always wanted to be under the confetti as a champion, and the Packers beating the Steelers to conclude the 2010 season finally gave me that opportunity. It was so surreal, being able to bring my family onto the field, seeing my oldest son roll around in the confetti, having a chance to hoist the Lombardi Trophy.

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