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One thing I struggle with is competing, being in a pack, running with a lot of bodies.
At some point, we have to move away from the pack to take certain journeys on our own.
I've always found success in sort of separating myself from the pack mentality things.
A lot of things in my life changed, but I'm still a party animal. I'm leading the pack.
I grew up with the Pack. When they released 'Vans,' it was a seeing-is-believing moment.
It makes no sense to pack an auditorium with 5,000 people and then tell them to keep quiet.
History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there.
We all struggle to find our place, and schools can be cruel to kids who aren't part of a pack.
In the past, there's always been one leader that has led the pack to development of the music.
Plus I am being hounded by all the fabulous new drummers, Bill Stewart at the head of the pack.
My heart started running away, like a pack of horses. Then it slowed down and became irregular.
My interesting diet tips are eat early and don't nosh between meals. I mean, I can pack it away.
When the fishbowl gets too small, it's time to pack up and leave and jump into the lake or ocean.
I want to lead the pack in the process of making Indian singers bigger than actors internationally.
I always pack a travel snack bag. You don't want to get stuck without snacks no matter where you go!
I have a very varied taste in music. Everything from rap to classical to Latino to Rat Pack to jazz.
When I start doing movies, that'll be the time to pack Vine in. Quit when you're on top. Be the king.
I always have to have a six pack or twelve pack of Entenmann's doughnuts in my house, no other brand.
I was a very unpredictable child. I'd pack a bag and go off and do a hike in the mountains for 10 days.
I've always wanted to do things different, always wanted to be the person who stands out from the pack.
If you want to be around in 10 years you've got to do something to differentiate yourself from the pack.
If I had only 60 seconds, I would pack some clothes, my phone, charger, toothbrush, head scarf, and shoes.
Following the automotive pack down unwise and unprofitable roads is not just naive but also very dangerous.
On the road, I'll always pack a package or two of pre-cooked lentils, nuts, vegan protein bars and powders.
If I feel I'm not influencing games, not scoring goals or making goals, then that's the time I'd pack it in.
The Doors movie is a pack of lies. It did not make money. You want to make money in America? Tell the truth.
I learned that Chicago lunches are terrible. If I was a Chicago student, I would ask my mom to pack a lunch.
I'm a selective pack rat. There's some things I have no problem getting rid of and others I hold onto dearly.
The pack is very important for a dog. Once you give him the right pack and the right energy, you look at him.
Pageant makeup is so different from your day-to-day look. When you're on stage you really have to pack it on.
People seem to think that, by the time you hit 45 or 50, you might as well just pack it in and call it a day.
I'm not the Hollywood type. I'm not going to pack up my bags and let me move to Hollywood and stuff like that.
I'm a last minute meticulous packer. I pack things mentally before actually doing it so I never forget anything.
As soon as you get traded, you kind of start thinking where you're going to live, your family, you have to pack.
Before 'Jersey Shore,' I was a DJ struggling to promote, deejaying six nights a week and hustling to pack clubs.
When you aren't able to do what makes you dominant, what separates you from the pack, it can throw your mind off.
In order to pack on the most amount of muscle from your training, you need to train specifically for hypertrophy.
Poems are ideally suited, in some ways, to social media because they pack so much meaning into so little language.
I start with my shoes - I usually pack two pairs if I'm going away for four or five days, and I'll wear another one.
It's always been a conscious thing for us to do whatever will separate us from the pack and make us happy musically.
If Inter decide to sell me, I'll pack my bags and go. If not, I'll stay here in Milan where I am honestly very happy.
I just pack up my pantry with lots of Oreos and other chocolate treats to disguise the fact that I don't have Tim Tams.
I've always found, give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers, and I do better with that than I do with torture.
You can't just sit back and think you're gonna pack the paint in and win games. You've gotta guard that three-point line.
Other fans might stop coming to games when their teams fall in the standings. Blazers fans just pack the house even more.
I'm a pack rat. There's only a couple pairs of tights I've worn throughout my career that I don't have. I save everything.
I'm a digital reader. When I travel abroad, I don't want to pack physical books, and I even like reading on my smartphone.
'Namastey London' is my favourite Bollywood film, it is a complete pack - it has entertainment, drama, emotion and comedy.
I'll tell you what I love doing more than anything: trying to pack myself in a small suitcase. I can hardly contain myself.
Hip-hop is ever changing but you'll always have the pack. And you'll always have those people who are separated from the pack.