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Potential home buyers have a two-step decision process. First, they determine whether they can afford to make a purchase - does their income safely cover their mortgage payment? Then they determine whether owning is a better financial choice than renting - are the costs of owning a home lower than the cost of renting it?
I have a piece of land in Delhi, but I have never had enough money to support dual establishments. I always thought of owning a house in Delhi as well. When you go to London or Switzerland, you dream of having a house even there. But you cannot have everything. I have a plot in Delhi, so I think I should have a house here as well.
For Sony, owning a studio is a gamble and probably a pretty good one, now that in the broadband era having content is a great advantage when you sell devices that in a ubiquitous world of distribution can actually show programs, movies, content directly to the consumer. So that you actually create, in a digital world, real synergy.
I swear to God, if my kids, when they're 18, if they come to me and say, 'Dad, I love pumping gas. I love getting up in the morning, I love grabbing the handle, I love the smell of the gas station,' I'd say, 'Go for it,' because if you love it that much at 18, he's probably going to end up owning 25 gas stations by the time he's 30.
For me, boxing was a way of me exercising my frustration, anger, sense of injustice, but also a way of owning my space and taking up space. Which I think as a woman in the art world is essential for surviving. You have to become comfortable going like, 'OK, I'm going to take this wall, this wall is mine, I'm going to put my work on this wall.'
Most CEOs walk around the office like we own the place, without realizing that the place itself isn't worth owning: a business's value comes from the people who walk out the door every night, who have to decide each morning whether to walk back in. One of the simplest things you can do as a leader is honor their choice and appreciate their work.
Owning a popular sports team is very different than any other type of business. They don't throw parades when Apple has the biggest quarter in corporate history. People don't call and email asking for anyone from the team to come visit their sick child. They don't cry as they request a jersey of their child's favorite player to be buried with them.