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He has missed the finest lesson of culture and experience who has not learned how to enjoy without owning.
I'm not possessed about owning the Buffalo Bills, just as I wasn't possessed about owning the Buffalo Sabres.
I learned early on what debt means, how vulnerable it makes people, what the security of owning a home means.
If I only had one day left in my life and it was riding a race or owning the Gold Cup winner, I'd ride a race.
Sometimes it's better to look at things than own them... owning means anxiety and lots of bags to carry around.
The future of work is changing. It's becoming a world where you are owning a lot about how you make your living.
Patients are empowered by having better access to their own health information, and then by owning their own data.
I think you get into trouble as an author and a journalist when, rather than owning the gaps, you try to elide them.
For many of us, owning a home signaled a passage into adulthood that coincided with the start of a career and family.
I think the rock audience still likes to have a physical product. The demand for owning a physical copy is still there.
The celebration of homeownership seems to be part of a countermovement against popular owning of shares in corporations.
I never wanted to become an actor. I always wanted to be a farmer and dreamt of owning half an acre of agriculture land.
I made the best business decision at 14 when I decided to get into acting. The worst was owning 2 homes at the same time.
When I started to make money, I went a bit crazy. Once, I went to the race track and woke up the next morning owning a horse.
Just watching this woman owning the TV, there is no doubt that the reason I wanted to get into TV presenting is down to Cilla.
A Bar Mitzvah is the time in his life when a Jewish boy realizes he has a better chance of owning a team than playing for one.
Owning a bookstore was right up there with acting in life goals, but other than swaggering around the store, I'm not much use.
Nothing is simpler than owning the stock market and holding it forever, and that's essentially the idea behind the index fund.
America should be about owning a piece of the rock, about letting every worker have equity and share in the returns to capital.
I think the Norweigan model of municipalities owning cinemas and being programmed by people who know about films is a good one.
Barack Obama is like the old joke about boats. The two best days of owning a boat are the day you buy it and the day you sell it.
You've got the top 400 Americans owning more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans. Most folks do not think that is right.
If not managed properly, owning a company and running a business with multiple locations can make you feel constantly overwhelmed.
Most people end up owning a business by accident. Therefore, they don't usually have a thought process and a strategic plan in place.
When employees join executives in truly owning the responsibility for business success, an exciting new sense of teamwork takes hold.
I haven't run across anyone in Georgia who is not regretful and repentant of man's inhumanity when you talk about owning one another.
I love the work of Matisse and Picasso, but I don't have enough millions to own one. And I don't really believe in owning art, anyway.
I feel funny about owning art. I don't really want to say: 'Wow, come and see my Monet - it's in a dark room at the bottom of my cellar.'
Our goal was to completely change transportation. Change traffic. And make it possible to get anywhere you want to go without owning a car.
When Oregon was founded as a state in 1857, its constitution explicitly banned Black people from visiting, living and owning property here.
When the gun lobby fights gun-control legislation, its logic is clear: it does not like laws that prevent people from owning or using guns.
Liverpool is a club where you need to be there to enjoy it. It's not worth owning Liverpool if you are going to always be 20,000 miles away.
I've wanted to own a DeLorean since I was 10 years old, but it always seemed like a silly daydream. Like owning the 'A-Team' van or something.
I'm not afraid of stereotypes. There are some truths to it - but the problem is that people keep sort of owning that one thing to be the truth.
The Barefoot College is supposed to be a sparking off process. People are adopting it and owning it, which is really the story behind the college.
As a small child, me and my pals fantasised about one day owning an ice-cream van. To have ice creams on demand would have been a dream come true.
Jeremy Clarkson wants to become a farmer - he's bought a field - Hammond wants to open a supermarket, and I'd like to spend my days owning a shoe shop.
I bought a flat in Camden when I was 26, which I was extremely lucky to do. I think it's an Irish thing about owning land, giving you a bit of security.
Owning a token bestows a right that results in product usage, a governance action, a given contribution, voting, or plain access to the product or market.
I think there's still this huge glass ceiling for women owning sexuality. And especially young women. If you're an old lady like me, I can do anything now.
I have two younger sisters and I'm such an advocate of owning who you are as a person. Don't be ashamed or intimidated. Never feel like you are not amazing.
Owning equities is an essential part of anyone's portfolio. You just can't ignore it over time. It's going to add the real pop to anyone's overall performance.
I have no interest in owning a football club; I don't play golf; I don't like horseracing and I'd rather become a professional bungee jumper than enter politics.
I had this thesis that we had entered the experience economy. People were getting married later and starting to value experiences like travel over owning things.
When you are yourself, there is no wrong and there is no right, because being authentic and true to who you are and owning it is all anyone could ever ask of you.
Millions of Americans have bad credit because of mistakes from credit agencies, and it can ruin lives, stopping people from getting a job or owning a home or car.
Quit being 'busy' and start actively owning and operating your company, and you'll be able to understand where the money is coming from and how to make more of it.
Combining technology and fashion shouldn't be about PR gimmicks - they should genuinely enhance the experience of buying, owning and experiencing a luxury product.
Sometimes people say to me that I celebrate over the top, but when you score, the emotion... you just can't control it. It's the same with owning a horse that wins.
Not owning a car anymore, I feel like I'm barely an American. I miss it. And I barely ever get to listen to the radio in the car, which is the best place for radio.