John Barry was the first film composer I was aware of. As a teenager I owned several of his Bond soundtracks.

I've owned about 2,000 guitars through the years because I've traded a lot and given away and sold some stuff.

I grew up singing in church. My family owned funeral homes so I would sing for the occasional funeral, as well.

While I now own more guns than the 82nd Airborne, my first gun is still the most important gun I've ever owned.

Once the film is out and a lot of people are seeing it, it becomes almost owned by the cinemagoers of the world.

My dad and my uncles owned a bar outside of Cincinnati. I worked there growing up, mopping floors, waiting tables.

I'm a lifelong strong supporter of the Second Amendment, and I've owned and used firearms since I was 10 years old.

My father owned a small company, called Gundel Electronics, where he did community band radio and some repair stuff.

When I was a boy, all the books I owned fit on a single shelf. Now I have several thousand stacked around the house.

Everybody in America was talking about TV early in 1949, though comparatively few Americans owned a set of their own.

We need to rid our State Owned Enterprises of corruption because the money being siphoned out should be funding them.

We understand that the real market value of Blockbuster may never be fully realized as a wholly owned part of Viacom.

The only pleasure in redecorating or moving house comes from stumbling across books that I'd almost forgotten I owned.

If ever I needed an eight foot putt, and everything I owned depended on it, I would want Arnold Palmer to putt for me.

When I was 9, we moved to Osseo, Wis., where we owned a couple of hundred acres. My father was well respected in town.

I've never owned a cell phone and don't plan on ever having one. If anyone needs to talk to me, they know where I live.

I grew up in Hollywood in an apartment. Then in Tarzana, California, on a mini ranch where we owned horses and chickens.

I have never owned a share of stock in my life, and the only time I've double dipped into anything is at the snack tray.

Marriage is not for everyone, but spiritually it is very necessary for me because I have a desire, a need to feel owned.

I worked at a pizza shop. My brother's best friend owned it. I did a little bit of everything there, whatever they needed.

Looking back, I couldn't get enough fights because Don King owned most of the top 10 fighters, and he never gave me a fight.

In Positano, I like the San Pietro Hotel, which is run by a friend whose family has owned the hotel for more than 100 years.

I love antique architecture, so if I have any indulgences, I have owned and renovated and reconstructed a lot of old houses.

Most people at CMU thought it was perfectly reasonable for the U.S. to invade Nicaragua. They somehow thought they owned it.

Record covers still inspire me in terms of clothes, some bands just look sharp. But I still wear stuff I owned when I was 16.

With media companies today owned and sponsored by large corporations, it is difficult to know whether the news can be trusted.

You are only afraid if you are not in harmony with yourself. People are afraid because they have never owned up to themselves.

My mom's never owned anything. I always wanted her to own something that she could say, 'This is mine' and feel good about it.

Diversity in media is something that is intrinsic to a democratic society. We do not want the whole media owned by one person.

I am a tumbleweed. I don't have a company. I don't have a staff. I don't own anything - I've never owned a car or an apartment.

I believe it's time that women truly owned their superpowers and used their beauty and strength to change the world around them.

The first car I ever owned was an Italian sports car, a convertible, and I've kind of owned everything under the sun since then.

When I left Baltimore I put everything I owned in my dad's pick-up truck and drove cross-country to make it as a rockstar in L.A.

For too long, Missouri has been run by career politicians, owned by corrupt consultants, high-paid lobbyists and special interests.

Eccentricity is usually owned by middle-class and upper-class people. If you are working class and eccentric, then you're just mad.

I think it would be better if nobody owned anything, but they didn't starve. Had enough paint and enough pianos and everything else.

My father was a chef but hadn't owned his own business. I didn't like that. In my heart of hearts, I knew I wanted to be in business.

My dad didn't graduate high school. My mom is a high school graduate. My mom is a factory worker. My dad owned a bar in the inner city.

I'm lucky that it's about fashion and perfume and cosmetics. If my father had owned a tire company, I don't know what I would have done.

We've become a debtor nation. I don't mean just on fixed-loan terms, but we own increasingly less abroad than is owned from abroad here.

One can no longer live with people: it is too hideous and nauseating. Owners and owned, they are like the two sides of a ghastly disease.

I grew up in a little town where my family owned a newspaper and the TV station, so a lot of people knew who we were, and I never fit in.

I've owned a business for 26 years. My family isn't in politics and my supporters aren't special interest groups in Madison and Milwaukee.

The first ever VHS I ever owned, my brother and I, was WrestleMania VII. We watched that thing to bits - I think the tape chewed itself up.

I met my wife; she barely owned a television and worked for Save the Children. We sat down one night, and we fell in love, and that was it.

My husband and I love the saying, success is not owned. It's rented, and rent is due every single day, and I really and truly believe that.

No, the Knicks are not owned by the public. The Knicks are owned by the shareholders of the company, of which I'm the majority shareholder.

I've owned more sofas than I've had husbands. Both sag in the end, but I generally fall out of love with the furniture quicker than the men.

My parents owned a plants nursery. We all grew up growing things and planting things and selling things, and I also managed landscape crews.

He was a very private person, but then, you know, he belonged to the whole United States. The United States thought they owned Johnny Carson.

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