I do a lot of traveling overseas.

I got hit in the face with quarters overseas.

I spent years overseas. I spent 11 years abroad.

We get a lot of overseas people wanting to order cakes.

If you had your life to live over again, do it overseas.

London is one of my favourite places to come to overseas.

I thank my dad for the JBA Experience and playing overseas.

I will bring more Korean dance moves and Korean songs overseas.

My first time overseas was taking 10,000 tons of beer to Vietnam.

'Jolene' has been very popular all of these years, even overseas.

Every day more Americans watch their jobs being shipped overseas.

Occasionally I will audition for a big overseas movie, but that's it.

Washburn's an old American name, but this one was assembled overseas.

No matter where I've been overseas, the food stinks, except in Italy.

I listen to XM radio because I can get so many overseas news stations.

For every rockabilly festival staged here, there are 10 held overseas.

I think American fans, they know more college guys than guys overseas.

Many U.S. investors are already investing overseas rather than at home.

When I was overseas, I was listening to 'Shot for Me' from 'Take Care.'

If anything, prolonged overseas military presence breeds radicalization.

About age ten, we moved from the place where I was born, moved overseas.

If I can teach cricket overseas, why wouldn't I do so in my own country?

I speak Spanish because I grew up overseas in Spain, Uruguay and Argentina.

The longer I lived overseas, the more I appreciated being from South Africa.

We are the source of our problems not mysterious sinister foreigners overseas.

Argentines have billions of pesos overseas because they didn't trust in the state.

I have applied for Israeli citizenship, which makes playing overseas a bit easier.

It began to dawn on me that perhaps my country needed me more at home than overseas.

You have to wait six months to purchase a fuel efficient automobile made from overseas.

At the last census it indicated that about 22 per cent of Australians were born overseas.

We must look after our own before lining the pockets of overseas countries and investors.

Those who willfully conceal assets overseas undermine the playing field for all taxpayers.

It ended up taking eight years to finish college because I got deployed and went overseas.

I grew up overseas in Indonesia, and my school had a great art, music, and theatre program.

I am international. When I put out my second mixtape, we did four tours and a tour overseas.

We want more of our products going overseas, but the trick is to have a level playing field.

We keep spending money and sending it overseas when we should be developing American energy.

If you donate overseas, it's a simple matter. In mainland China, there are so many headaches.

Instead of creating new jobs, Republicans gave tax cuts to companies that send jobs overseas.

You try to do something every single day that will help an American or maybe someone overseas.

We were really motivated to do something with this record overseas, even though I hate touring.

If one is reported as having set up camp overseas, it's as if one has made oneself unavailable.

When I fly overseas, I usually fly business class. If not, my knees are going to be at my chin.

Essentially, when we run a deficit, we are borrowing money to buy things that are made overseas.

When you're overseas and on a trip for awhile, it's tough to stay groomed. You miss your routine.

I'm in California a lot; I go overseas sometimes and I meet more Hells Angels than other Angels do.

We must fight and win the battle against terror overseas so we never have to fight it here at home.

I meet people overseas that know five languages - that the only language I'm comfortable in is English.

It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas.

He can fight terrorists overseas, but he leaves our borders so they can come in here and do their thing.

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