My plays tend to be peopled with outsiders in search of clarity.

The West Wing and The Outsiders are the gifts that keep on giving.

We were German-Americans in a British colony, so we were outsiders.

Outsiders often have an insight that an insider doesn't quite have.

Being closed to outsiders made the iPhone reliable and predictable.

Entrepreneurs are outsiders by nature - outsiders with a work ethic.

If you feel like an outsider, you tend to observe things a lot more.

Outsiders don't get it easy. I was not even expecting to get a film.

I've always felt myself to be an outsider. I've always felt awkward.

He was an outsider who lived by his ability to manipulate the inside.

'The Outsiders' died on the vine being sold as a drugstore paperback.

The AAP was not the first group of well-meaning outsiders in politics.

There isn't much room for an outsider point of view in print any more.

It wasn't easy for me to start in Bollywood because I was an outsider.

I don't hang with people I don't know. Outsiders can mess up your flow.

I was a total fashion insider who became an outsider when I did bridal.

I feel like my friends are in a cult because we're like, 'No outsiders!

I think you only really feel like an outsider if you've been an insider.

Most people in their lives do feel like they are outsiders at some point.

We're all outsiders in a way. We're all alone and can become very lonely.

The one who tried too hard, the outsider, the oddball. Yeah, that was me.

Sometimes it takes an outsider, someone with fresh eyes to see the truth.

[A pariah is] something like a martyr with more suffering and less class.

When I felt like an outsider, movies made me feel inside my own skill set.

What [Adolf Hitler] felt deep inside he wasn't going to show to outsiders.

I've always been interested in writing from the perspective of an outsider.

I am interested in outsiders. I suppose I have always felt like one myself.

I believe that both Obama and Trump would describe themselves as outsiders.

I love interesting people with eccentric stories and outsiders of the world.

I relate to most of the characters I play, because I do feel like an outsider.

I'm not a media darling. I'm forever the outsider, for whatever the reason is.

I often felt myself to be an outsider, which is great training for all writers.

I cannot imagine anyone being more of an outsider than the first woman president.

Most of the people who write pop music were outsiders at some time in their life.

As an outsider in America, you do see the kind of hypocrisy that's rampant there.

Metal is the feeling of being an outsider, but still being part of something huge.

When I was about 11, 12, we moved to Jersey City. Everywhere I go I'm an outsider.

Everyone in life knows what it's like to be picked on and to feel like an outsider.

When you feel like an outsider - for whatever reason - you spend a lot of time alone.

I think that The Outsiders was meant to be written, and I was just picked to write it.

I've always felt like such an outsider in this industry. Because I'm so insane I guess.

Those who ultimately shake up an industry are often outsiders who don't know any better.

I was always an outsider, proud of being an outsider. I always reveled in the outsiders.

Usually the Indian people are outsiders who have to look up at the people who look down.

I think that 'The Outsiders' was meant to be written, and I was just picked to write it.

I'll bring in outsiders to evaluate state agencies. They can sometimes see what we can't.

Pukka sahib or rank outsider--gentleman or bounder--and it's accent, accent, all the way.

I'm a drifter and an outsider. There's not one single environment I can totally belong to.

I've always been an outsider. I am an outsider in Garbage. I'm the odd one out by default.

Every religion seems like a fantasy to outsiders, but as holy truth to those of the faith.

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