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No government intent on persecuting its critics will want to leave the outcome of a trial to chance.
The outcome of any serious research can only be to make two questions grow where only one grew before.
It is not through any combinations of politicians that the outcome of an electoral campaign is decided.
For me, the peculiar qualities of faith are a logical outcome of this level of biological organization.
This gold medal, to me, is a very good outcome from the many years I've spent on my professional career.
I've come to realize that the contemporary creative culture is not generating the best possible outcome.
In the hood, you have a problem with somebody, you have to deal with it. The outcome is pretty immediate.
I'm going to go to school. It doesn't matter what the outcome is as long as I did it. I can say I did it.
But I'm real conscious about what I do. I don't care what the label is. I'm looking at the outcome of it.
I start with the outcome - increasing efficiency, lowering scrap and cost - and then execute toward that.
Staying in the moment is not worrying about the outcome but just focusing on the process on the next shot.
I believe that thinking positively and envisioning the best possible outcome can add to your achievements.
The PML-N is committed to public service mission, and it will continue to outcome every hurdle in our way.
If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.
Big plays are such a huge factor in the outcome of games. It is so difficult to go the distance on a defense.
Leaving people worse off financially is a Brexit outcome nobody supports, whether they voted leave or remain.
By keeping your eye on the ultimate goal, you lean into the mess and try to make the outcome a little better.
At the end of the day, you have smart marks all over the world thinking that they know the outcome of a match.
I'm not somebody who's emotionally attached to an outcome of a character that I'm hired to play. The fans are.
I think GST is a great outcome. There is no ifs and buts about that. It is a transformational event for India.
Common participation in the Eucharist can only be a final outcome of ecumenic dialogue, not the starting point.
I know that my voice and my vote matter and that I can help shape the outcome of events that I care deeply about.
I think after the 2008 Olympics I wasn't really satisfied with the outcome, so I knew I had to change some things.
If a project feels good to you, say yes. And do it with everything that you have and hope that the outcome is good.
Putting the Withdrawal Bill in order is an essential step to stability and achieving a reasonable outcome to Brexit.
Having women on boards is good for women, good for the economy and good for society. A win-win-win outcome: how rare.
Demonetisation was a big flop, and its outcome was negative. The government has done nothing to get back black money.
Sometimes you do have to accept your second or third choice in order to avoid an outcome you consider to be even worse.
Confidence isn't optimism or pessimism, and it's not a character attribute. It's the expectation of a positive outcome.
American voters have to pay closer attention to politics if they want to avoid four years of whining about the outcome.
I think essentially the meaning of life is probably the journey and not really any one thing or an outcome or a result.
For 'The Book Thief,' I wanted only one outcome, and that was for the director to follow his own vision, just as I had.
We can say that Japan is the only country that calls into question the outcome of the Second World War; no one else does.
'Lady Macbeth' is a great opportunity for me to prove that maybe the outcome of 'The Falling' was not necessarily a fluke.
The goal of having more and more information is really to better be able to predict what is your health outcome going to be.
Whether it's a TV show or a music video, the seed of the idea is what's driving my decisions, not the format or the outcome.
I could easily go one or two days without realizing that I'm so, so hungry. That's the negative outcome of what I've become.
Compassion is loving others enough to say or do what is appropriate from an empowered heart without attachment to the outcome.
Taoism taught me to focus on the process and not to be attached to preconceived ideas of what I thought the outcome should be.
As a director, I was apprehensive about the outcome of 'Kick.' As it scored well, it is my duty to get above that expectation.
Being an employee is a bad outcome. You want to avoid that. Being an employee is never a good outcome. That's just an opinion.
Rape, mutilation, abuse, and theft are the natural outcome of a world in which force rules, in which human beings are objects.
I'm just very wary that once you start military operations in any country, it's very difficult to predict what the outcome is.
I was in a unique position to predict the outcome of NBA games. Some of my picks included games I had been assigned to referee.
Even though the outcome wasn't the way it should have been, publicly I still feel in my heart I won the Sugar Ray Leonard fight.
The Egyptian tomb was the outcome of the Mesopotamian influence and followed from the religious crisis the country had undergone.
When the present gets tough, you have to battle through it by imagining an outcome that is weeks, potentially even months, ahead.
That's the whole point of... of prosecutorial discretion in the judicial system. It's finding a just outcome in an individual case.
My style is an extension of acting and an outcome of some serious lessons I picked up learning when I did theatre in my early days.
I basically never believed that I was a commercial actor. Just because of the outcome of many auditions over time. No one hired me.