Women hold up the other half of the sky.

Who sees the other half of Self, sees Truth.

Night is the other half of life, and the better half.

One half of my life has put the other half in the grave.

We're all made up of many parts, other halves. Not just me.

I'd spent half of my life crying, the other half refusing to cry

There are no rules that can bind you when you find your other half.

Half of learning is learning. The other half of learning is unlearning.

One half of her should not be always so much wiser than the other half.

The writer after all is only half the book, the other half is the reader.

Religion made half of us afraid to die, and the other half afraid to live.

One half of me is a hopeless romantic. The other half is well... just realistic.

You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom.

What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

...the other half of rising—the very half that makes rising necessary—is having been nailed to the cross.

When you discover you've been leading only half a life, the other half is going to haunt you until you develop it.

At least half of my life's many mistakes can be safely put down to impetuosity: the other half derive from inertia.

One half of me is yours, the other half is yours, Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours, And so all yours.

One half was sad because I had damaged my reputation. The other half was happy because I had damaged my reputation.

I love my music so much, and I love what I'm doing so much that that has become my other half-rather than another person.

The extent of poverty in the world is much exaggerated. Our sensitiveness makes half our poverty; our fears--anxieties for ills that never happen--a greater part of the other half.

We are going in the direction of artificial intelligence or hybrid intelligence where a part of our brain will get information from the cloud and the other half is from you, so all this stuff will happen in the future.

All of Hollywood is run on one assumption: That women will watch stories about men, but men won't watch stories about women. It is a horrible indictment of our society of we assume that one half of our population is just not interested in the other half.

These diagnostic profiles like depression, ADHD, autism, dyslexia, it's half science and the other half is a committee of doctors bickering over what it should be, and it has changed. It's not precise like a diagnosis of tuberculosis would be very precise.

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