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A rough rule in life is that an organization foolish in one way in dealing with a complex system is all too likely to be foolish in another.
If you're talking about how you promoted synergy in an organization, that could mean you just got everybody together for donuts twice a week.
Nobody really likes large-scale organizations; nobody likes to take orders from a superior who takes orders from a superior who takes orders.
I’ve talked to guys who have played for the Phillies and gone on to other organizations and the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
The world organization debates disarmament in one room and, in the next room, moves the knights and pawns that make national arms imperative.
I have spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good.
The World Health Organization ... estimated that 1.6 million years of healthy living are lost every year in Europe because of noise pollution.
Treaties, agreements and organizations to help settle disputes may be necessary, but they often favor the interests of business over citizens.
Whatever the country, whatever the culture, whatever the time, when you become a big enough organization, you start to collapse and slow down.
I cannot belong to a nonprofit organization because when you receive grants, you have to make such great compromises with your artistic plans.
A German wine label is one of the things life's too short for, a daunting testimony to that peculiar nation's love of detail and organization.
I'm excited about being here in an organization that I grew up rooting for... I'm excited about being an Atlanta Brave and pitching in Game 1.
I have great respect for Dan Gilbert and the Cleveland Cavaliers, and I greatly appreciate the discussions we had regarding their organization.
I think that the problem of the American negro goes beyond the principle of any organization whether it's a religious, political, or otherwise.
You cant build any kind of organization if youre not going to surround yourself with people who have experience and skill base beyond your own.
When leaders behave consistently with the expectations of customers, they are doing things inside their organization that deliver value outside.
It is essential that there should be organization of labor. This is an era of organization. Capital organizes and therefore labor must organize.
We would be deliberately violating the fundamental obligations we assumed in the Act of Bogota establishing the Organization of American States.
I see graphic design as the organization of information that is semantically correct, syntactically consistent and pragmatically understandable.
Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly....As a scientist I remain skeptical.
The capitalist class shoots down mothers and children. It stops at nothing, no matter how monstrous, to prevent the organization of the workers.
The more we captured, the more we learned and eventually it destroyed the organization that attacked us on 9/11 and allowed us to get bin Laden.
Those who lead inspire us Whether they are individuals or organizations, we follow those who lead not because we have to but because we want to.
The White House has announced that they no longer recognize Fox as a news organization, which puts them about eight years behind the rest of us.
Truth" is contained in the preconceptions of him who seeks to define it. Any organization of ideas whatever presupposes a judgment on the world.
It seems to me that right under the surface of human neurological organization is a mode shift of some sort that would make language beholdable.
We can create the ultimate job security by becoming less dependent on the organization for which we work and more dependent on our own resources.
ISIS has leadership, just like al Qaeda has leadership. It's important to be able to eliminate the individuals that are leading the organization.
Any political agenda and organization which doesn't begin with personal responsibility is just half the argument. It's just not going to succeed.
New York is a great place to be if you want to make an impact and be involved in charities or philanthropic organizations like my wife and I are.
The problem of social organization is how to set up an arrangement under which greed will do the least harm, capitalism is that kind of a system.
We need to look at learning as the product of educational self-organization. It’s not about making learning happen; it’s about letting it happen.
Color in color is felt at any and every place of the pictorial organization; in its immediacy - its particularity. Color must be felt throughout.
Once a company has adapted to a new environment, it is no longer the organization it used to be; it has evolved. That is the essence of learning.
Donate time, food, or money to organizations that fight the good fight. We can act individually for the collective good. We can all do something.
You can't build any kind of organization if you're not going to surround yourself with people who have experience and skill base beyond your own.
My greatest fear is the Iranians acquire a nuclear weapon and give it to a terrorist organization. And there is a real threat of them doing that.
As I found while leading special operations forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, if the problem is interconnected, your organization must be, as well.
Any organization that gives me a chance will get me. And I'll pour my heart into the organization and do whatever it takes to win football games.
No other youth group like the Scouts has trained so many future leaders while at the same time being a nature organization with its outdoor focus.
The true church is not an organization controlled by the rules of men but a holy collection of living stones with Jesus Christ as the Cornerstone.
The trouble with organizing a thing is that pretty soon folks get to paying more attention to the organization than to what they're organized for.
Do not underestimate what you specific conventional, nor covetousness others. He who envies others does not terra firma organization of intellect.
Kaizen is like a hotbed that nurtures small and ongoing changes, while innovation is like magma that appears in abrupt eruptions from time to time
'The Wire' really drew on a lot of real-life situations and real-life organizations - it created fiction to make a social statement about reality.
If you will relax and allow Law of Attraction to do the organization, the managing, then you can spend your time doing the things that please you.
The NAACP is a wonderful organization . . . But do you realize if tomorrow morning we had complete integration, all them cats would be outta work?
I've been the co-chair of the Non-Partisan Women's Caucus and vice-chair for several years, taking a leadership role in this women's organization.
Big business never pays a nickel in taxes, according to Ralph Nader, who represents a big consumer organization that never pays a nickel in taxes.
Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so that each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry.