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The Hitch Hiker's Guide has not been an opera. It has however been a tapestry, if you count a woven bath towel as a tapestry.
Opera is the original marriage of words and music, and there's a theatre element, a dramatic element. It's right up my alley.
I have an opera coach who I went to as a teenager, when I was 15 and 16 years old. When I went to college, I forgot about it.
Writers and books are cheap dates, especially when you compare the cost of a book with a ticket to the opera - or an NHL game.
More and more, we're used to taking things in through the eyes rather than through the ears, and opera is more of a spectacle.
At 7, I was at the barre and dancing at folk festivals. Then I was a student with the ballet school of the Metropolitan Opera.
I think the power of opera has been shifted from the music to the director, because this is a very visual age that we live in.
I hear what people have said about what they want to see the Opera House used for and what they don't want to see it used for.
Everyone has their own taste: some like theatre, some don't, some like opera, some don't, some like pantomimes, and some don't.
When you are up close to an opera singer, hearing this incredible volume of noise coming from a human being - its beyond belief.
I wasn't cut out to be an opera singer, but it was a nice fantasy for a teenager growing up in Hungary during the Stalinist era.
I want to carve out a serious period of time to focus on the next opera without any distractions. And to do that you need money.
I perform in opera houses in the centres of big cities. We live in 20 acres of forest. You need that space to recover and renew.
I knew it, I just knew it! The person who had the job of writing my life's dialogue used to work on a very low budget soap opera.
I don't know how much of a market there is for space opera. Just because it's in the movies doesn't mean magazines are buying it.
(Referring to the piano's natural shape) Isn't it a shame when those big fat opera singers lean against the pianos and bend them?
When you are up close to an opera singer, hearing this incredible volume of noise coming from a human being - it's beyond belief.
The English National Opera does have some terrific productions, which are accessible, and they're not too ridiculously expensive.
I maintain that Western popular culture at its best is worthy of respect and should be cherished as much as the operas of Wagner.
'The Phantom of the Opera' is the biggest thing I've ever done, bigger even than 'Cats' which, in itself, I never thought we'd top.
What I can't tell is, I don't know if there's a subliminal resistance to the idea of a sequel to 'The Phantom of the Opera' anyway.
I vowed I would never do a commercial, or a soap opera - both of which I did as soon as I left the Acting Company and was starving.
There's no rational reason why opera should exist. It's expensive, time consuming. Yet in some shape or other it has always existed.
I listen to all kinds of music myself; it can range from practically anything: Opera, Jazz, to Blues, good Pop, just about anything.
I’m turning into an old woman. Might as well start knitting and bitching about soap operas, gas prices, and rude drivers.” – Sundown
Music - opera particularly - is a process which is endurable or successful only if it is achieved by people who love to collaborate.
I had this exceptional classical music voice. If I'd followed a true path for my talent, I would have ended up being an opera singer.
To this day, I adore classical music, and I'm very interested in opera, which I found out later my father was also extremely fond of.
The number of opera houses around the world and the high attendance rates show that opera an art form that is more popular than ever.
We used to have front-row seats for the Grand Opera House pantomime every year, and once the dame May McFettridge got me up on-stage.
The opera is like a husband with a foreign title - expensive to support, hard to understand and therefore a supreme social challenge.
I wish there was more for minorities than sitcoms. I'd like to see a soap opera about blacks. People don't live in isolation anymore.
I was a dancer for many years. I was a premier dancer with 'Porgy and Bess,' the opera. And I taught dance some, in different places.
I'd love to have the time to learn to sing opera properly rather than bellowing half-formed fragments of melody in exuberant moments.
I tend to sing opera and showtunes in the shower. I don't know why, but when I get in the shower I turn into this big fat opera lady.
I see fashion as going on par with all the other cultural institutions here. Ballet, theater, opera - I don't see fashion differently.
It's music ultimately that matters in opera, and opera is a piece of music reaching out as a vision in sound reaching out to the world.
The great opera composers were so good at their job, that the whole genre came to be built around the concept of the composer's vision.
I remember watching the Three Tenors at the World Cup in 1990, and it was amazing. They made opera accessible to the man in the street.
I'm not very well organized unless I'm plugged into a structure like the opera or a movie. When I'm doing that, I have to be organized.
Soloist are inspiring in Opera and perhaps even in small entreprenurial ventures, but there is no place for them in large corporations.
My mom was an opera singer. She did all the classical music, and I heard it. I know every opera. I know every classical piece of music.
I wanted to be Whitney Houston at first, and when I started taking voice lessons, my voice teacher kind of geared me more towards opera.
Poetry is all I write, whether for books or readings or for the National Theatre or for the opera house and concert hall or even for TV.
When the music and the characters are flawlessly synchronized, the opera develops an emotional force that movies and plays cannot match.
The success of our operas rests most of the time in the hands of the conductor. This person is as necessary as a tenor or a prima donna.
You would be amazed at the pompadour that I was rocking in the first job I had on the soap opera called 'Loving,' my first contract job.
My dad became a soap opera actor, and I was an extra in a skating rink scene on the soap. I didn't audition. It was nepotism all the way.
Music conveys moods and images. Even in opera, where plots deal with the structure of destiny, it's music, not words, that provides power.
The only thing I daydreamed about was being an opera singer. But I was so skinny and so pathetic that that sort of wasn't going to happen.