I'm more into MMA than any other sport. I watch a lot of the UFC fights. I have since it first came onto the scene.

Getting onto 'Jeopardy!' was a pet project my whole life, so it was something I was willing to work really hard on.

I believe Jews are compassionate people because of what we've suffered. We must not put that suffering onto others.

There's a quality of life in Maine which is this singular and unique. I think. It's absolutely a world onto itself.

My thinking musically has always been more advanced - it is difficult to get it down onto paper sometimes, even now.

The goal of almost every comic is to find a comedy voice - a specific point of view that an audience can latch onto.

That was very comforting to me to hold onto that belief, that I did have a heavenly Father who was watching over me.

I don't force anything onto other people, because you'll never get a good satanist out of forcing somebody to be one.

When art in general, and film in particular, succeeds is when it pulls you away onto a voyage. Then it's a good film.

You might not have the biggest budget or resources or cast, but if you have a great story, people will latch onto it.

Limitlessness is important for me; I want to be able to use every opportunity to push me forward onto the next thing.

Trying to project our expectations and our desires onto the sci-fi being written in China now isn't terribly helpful.

When I did get captured, the only thing I held onto was the fact that my teammates were going to come get me. Period.

People say you have to work on your resentments. Yeah, no, I'm gonna hang onto them and they're gonna fuel my attack.

When I think of 'Instagram models,' I say you have to take baby steps. You cannot just walk straight onto the runway.

Even though there is randomness and improvisation in my music, I want to have some concrete idea that I can hold onto.

I wanted to only do one season when I came onto 'Vampire Diaries' because I thought there was only so much to explore.

My first job was a Greek tragedy, and ever since, one job just seemed to roll onto the next. I've been terribly lucky.

Every time I step onto the field, whether people like it or not, I'm not trying to play dirty - I'm just playing tough.

I am starting to hate airports and the whole business of getting onto the plane. It all takes so long I want to scream.

Stuntwork... once, I've really only done one thing, which is take a punch and transport myself into the air onto a mat.

I want readers to rehearse that day when everything shatters and think through what they'll hang onto when that happens.

The French hold onto their traditions. I was always so alienated in America. My work was this constant reaction to that.

My feet are definitely more grounded than before. And I know that I'm not holding onto a dream. I'm holding onto my life.

Dab - don't rub - cream formulas onto your skin. Rubbing washes out the color, so do that only if you've put on too much.

Whatever you hold onto that you want to do, and that other people tell you you are foolish to want to do - don't give up.

I never think about records. I focus on my race and try to get onto the podium consistently. It's hard enough to do that.

My mother turned me onto St. Jude back in the days when I was wild and crazy. She took me to the shrine on Rampart Street.

I hold onto the spirit of God for everything, and that works for me. That aspect of my life is very real and is the truth.

Fantasy is sort of a blank slate that everybody can project their own culture onto. Everybody can read it in their own way.

Unless you can't take care of yourself or stuff like that, I'm always standin' for you to hold onto life as much as you can.

I've been very fortunate to have good people in my life, and when you find good people, you gotta hold onto them real tight.

When you go onto the internet, if you really rummage around randomly then how do you hope to find something of any of value?

Yeah, I get frustrated. But I try not to let those frustrations get out into the media or get out onto the court in my play.

Simian Mobile Disco changed my life. They put me onto the EDM world. Although they would hate that term, they're more techno.

Two of our favorite excuses for holding onto a few extra pounds and being out of shape: Too little time and too little money.

Uncontrolled, mass immigration displaces British workers, forces people onto benefits, and suppresses wages for the low-paid.

I tend to - every time I step onto the set until the time I go back to the hotel, I just try to be in character all the time.

L.A. is... I always feel sort of abducted when I'm there, like I've stepped onto another planet where everyone looks the same.

Remember how small the world was before I came along? I brought it all to life: I moved the whole world onto a 20-foot screen.

At Manchester United, we play to win. That's my first mentality when I get onto the pitch. Then everything else comes with it.

I hung onto Hollywood by the skin of my teeth, and at first I fought over every piece of bread. Later, I got very small parts.

Social Security's future has gotten worse, and each year we delay reform adds to the cost we are pushing off onto our children.

When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off.

People say that I'm a boxer. I actually started with kick boxing, and then I moved onto boxing, and then I moved onto grappling.

Sometimes, how you ingest this idea of masculinity as projected onto you by the world could be the difference of life and death.

When you make a movie with a lot of music in it, you can't always put all the songs onto the soundtrack. They just don't all fit.

Although I have been performing in all sorts of ways and roles since childhood, 'GoT' is my first proper venture onto the screen.

In terms of beautiful views while eating, I love Babington House in Somerset looking onto beautiful lake, beds, hills and forest.

I don't even consider directing Burt. I just say, 'Hey, Burt, the camera's here. Read the joke and let's get onto the next shot.'

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