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I hate spam, and that's what happens when you let businesses onto the network.
Basketball is my escape, and I cannot bring any of my problems onto the court.
When I was growing up, I didn't like cheese. I had to wean myself onto cheese.
To walk into a studio, for me, is just like walking onto a beach or something.
When we walk onto that stage I'm not feeling like I'm ruled by any other band.
I started in high school and then I went onto professional training after that.
Men project their fantasies onto me; they live them through who they think I am.
Some things just can't be described. And stepping onto the moon was one of them.
It's fun running out onto the field. It's much more fun playing in the playoffs.
If you're holding onto negative stuff from before, you cannot deliver excellence.
I always felt before Paul Brown, coaches just rolled the ball out onto the field.
I remember it was hard to believe that I was taking a step onto the lunar surface.
Prejudice is a raft onto which the shipwrecked mind clambers and paddles to safety.
As soon as you reach a certain age, you're thrown onto a kind of mental scrap heap.
I just control what I can control. Getting better every time I step onto the floor.
I have never been able to hold onto a really strict gym regime because I get bored.
I would blast AC/DC and walk out onto the tennis court and try to hit the ball hard.
I got turned onto the 'Pat Garrett' soundtrack when I worked retail back in the day.
People who are bipolar, they kind of latch onto things that are fanatical sometimes.
I've been really trying to put people onto, like, my sound since I was, like, 17, 16.
Everything I'm thinking in my head goes onto my face, so you can see right through me.
I have friends who remember seeing fish hauled onto a boat's deck and beaten to death.
Most modern stuff I hear kinda sucks, someone should turn me onto something good, fast!
I very much loved my late wife, Diana Joy Colbert, and I'd rather hold onto what I can.
I'm not a guy that really likes to pile onto somebody. Doesn't really matter who it is.
I try to create an environment where, when we step onto the set, we're all in character.
Those years between drama school and getting onto the stand-up circuit were pretty lean.
We may have limped onto Broadway as the underdogs, but underdogs bite back occasionally.
There's something so delicious about holding onto a secret; it's something just for you.
'My Night at Maud's,' 'Claire's Knee,' 'Chloe in the Afternoon' are grafted onto my life.
At least in my life, I cannot hold onto grudges. It's a waste of energy, a waste of time.
When you find a guy who is powerful, a big father figure, you latch onto him immediately.
My mother is British; she's from Shrewsbury. She turned me onto 'Monty Python' very early.
All of the guys I know from Jersey held onto this feeling of, 'We're always just working.'
There was something about Hank Williams, Jr. that I really latched onto from an early age.
When you walk onto a Peter Jackson set, you can see straightaway that money isn't an issue.
I suppose any note, no matter how sour, sounds like a song if you hold onto it long enough.
We're actually building onto the house to make it bigger because we want to start a family.
No, moral conscience is one thing, the law is another. We have to hold onto this difference.
My instincts are always against people who want to fasten some sort of hegemony onto things.
When I get onto the pitch, I block out everything around it, and I really focus on the pitch.
I can't explain why one wants to pass a particular sort of pain onto other people, but you do.
I never hesitate to go into a tackle, and I don't go onto the pitch to pull out of a challenge.
The writers and actors on 'Friends' were notoriously particular about what made it onto the air.
Growing up on a set is completely different than coming onto a brand new set for the first time.
If someone comes onto 'Dragons' Den' and annoys me, I'm going to tell them exactly what I think.
Circumstances define us; they force us onto one road or another, and then they punish us for it.
I know my boyfriend loves to have something to hold onto. There's a lot of men out there who do.
I didn't fight to get women out from behind vacuum cleaners to get them onto the board of Hoover.
I have the Italian flag embroidered onto all my dress-shirt cuffs. I am very proud to be Italian.