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I'm not somebody who goes online after every episode airs because that would be, for me, getting too much feedback and too much information.
I think the online space can be a free space, in that we are not reliant online on the publishing industry or readers who just don't get it.
Online is a revolution. The Internet is a revolution. And we should be revolutionary in the content that we put on it rather than derivative.
As I've often said, you can shop online and find whatever you're looking for, but bookstores are where you find what you weren't looking for.
I have hundreds and hundreds of people from Brazil, Chile, Columbia and Argentina, every day, buying my music and telling me about it online.
My most profound growth as a writer came when I joined an online critique group. What a harrowing, terrifying, wonderful experience that was.
Keep an eye on what your kids are seeing online. Parents need to stay involved in what their children are being exposed to. It's so important.
On NBC, MSNBC and Hulu, you can size and cut clips to whatever length you want. Do online clips affect the TV market? I'm guessing not really.
Mara Casey gave me my first job. I saw something online, and it was for a part in a 'Gilmore Girls' episode, and I thought I was right for it.
Before Google, and long before Facebook, Bezos had realized that the greatest value of an online company lay in the consumer data it collected.
Merely transferring the content of existing newspapers online and expecting payment won't work because they are two separate business concepts.
In 1998, Artnet was the site that convinced me that if my writing didn't exist online, it didn't exist at all. It showed me criticism's future.
For some reason, the parts I play, like Boromir or Ned Stark, have a life online long afterwards. I keep seeing - what do you call them - memes?
Many people bypass search engines altogether and still find what they're looking for online. These Internet surfers are using direct navigation.
Snapchat changed that perception of deleting something as bad. Online, typically you delete something if it's bad or if it's really embarrassing.
I'm never without my personalised Anya Hindmarch diary - I keep my schedule online, too, but my diary is always in my bag. It's crammed Post-its.
Two hours on television just doesn't automatically happen. I'm up early, I'm reading newspapers online, talking to my staff, coming up with ideas.
The Internet is a great information tool, and can be a place where kids learn, but we must remember that when kids are online, they are in public.
When I'm doing work online or on the computer, it's one thing. When I want to read, I want to go elsewhere, and I want to be away from the screen.
I've probably spent more time than any other brand reading every last comment. To listen to people the way you're able to online is very powerful.
Short forms are returning online. Interactivity is coming back; it was always there in oral storytelling. Each form has its pluses and its minuses.
Our deep collaboration with ABC News further strengthens Yahoo! as the No. 1 online news source, greatly enhancing our already robust news content.
Younger generations, they ask more questions, like on a recipe. But they ask them online. If my staff doesn't know how to answer it, I will answer.
I love black dresses. I think everyone should own a lot, but black dresses don't sell online because on the computer they don't read like anything.
Treat haters in your online spaces just the same as you would in the real world. If they're not respectful to you and your customers, kick them out.
No one sells records anymore. It's all about touring. It's all greatest hits records and box sets. And even those don't sell. People just go online.
It's really exciting to see all those people that exist in numbers online translate into tickets and then into faces, handshakes, pictures, stories.
Let me finish my music, and let me present it the way I want to present it. And then share it, put it online, do whatever you want to do after that.
The best remote companies I've seen do almost everything online, via email and telephone. But they also get together face to face on a regular basis.
Virtual Piggy was created to provide a safe way for kids to shop online with parental approval, in recognition of growing digital world kids live in.
I foresee online gaming changing when there are good audio-visual links connecting the participants, thus approximating play in a face-to-face group.
I like vintage stores - all over the world. I have a little collection of my favorite stores here and there. Other than that, I love online shopping.
The British and French governments have taken a strong stance against 'extremist content' online when addressing their approach to tackling extremism.
A lot of the math that I do, it's not sort of premeditated. I talk online or with a colleague, and I get interested, and I just follow where it leads.
Google Photos is great. I enjoy using it to curate my photo collection online. The integration on iOS to Apple Photos is a bit too much voodoo for me.
Wouldn't it be great if you could put all the published works online? The Internet Archive is trying to become useful as a modern-day digital library.
You have to create a consistent brand experience however and wherever a customer touches your brand, online or offline. The lines are forever blurred.
Most of our children have access to Internet-accessible technology, yet most of us are actually not paying much attention to what they're doing online.
Sometimes a line enters your head, and you're so grateful for it. You go online to check to see if anyone wrote it before you. You must have stolen it.
Even among those who I would not count as 'friends,' I have met many people online who have simply commented on my work or are interested by what I do.
Video is moving online in a big way. It's proven to be a challenging market for some companies that start out as a pure Internet company such as Joost.
I've always shied away from online data storage. I don't even use my employers' network drives for anything sensitive. I want to control access myself.
I know that the vitriol and hyperbole that exists online, and the anonymity, can be deadly because it's cloaked in negativity and it's brutal sometimes.
I have always listened to Indian music online, much before my first visit to the country in 2015. But, when I got to India, I couldn't get enough of it.
Nowadays, so many girls are really harsh online and always bringing each other down, so one of the things we try to do is help bring them back together.
It's time we update the laws so that online platforms are held to the same transparency standards as other companies that sell political advertisements.
Book clubs, both online and in person, have become a large percentage of the reading public, and many of them won't consider reading books in hardcover.
Laws and mechanisms originally meant to enforce copyright, protect children and fight online crime are abused to silence or intimidate political critics.
The struggles of dealing with online harassment is the same harassment that women have been dealing with, it's just a new medium in which it's happening.
I want to be clear: not all patient communities are great, any more than online communities of any sort. But when a good one gets going, boy is it sweet.