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Coming from a big family, I learned a lot. Things don't have to be perfect. You can do okay with 'almost.'
The one that I really call love is when I feel like everything's okay. That state of, it's all right here.
I do think that it's always okay to show too little. People will still be interested. So why show too much?
I like the Nova Corps; I just don't like Nova that much! He's okay, you know? I just don't like that helmet!
He responded a few minutes later. Okay. I wrote back. Okay. He responded: Oh, my God, stop flirting with me!
That was something that I learned: It's actually okay if the way that I do my best is when I'm treated well.
I know I'm not the 'Indie It Girl' and I'll never have a big breakout, big runaway success. And that's okay.
It’s okay to wonder how you could try so hard and still get stomped all over. Just don’t let them change you.
If I lose, then I have to accept that my way of writing books is not the way society says it's okay to write.
Okay, I know I said I wasn't going to shake things up, but we're going to have to get some pants on this one.
I had a very difficult relationship with my father, which ended up okay, but there were many difficult years.
No, Zoey." Heat sounded pissed. It's not okay here. Not for you." Well, maybe that's 'cause I'm not dead. Yet.
I can't age on the inside, and I'm totally okay with that. I have no need to grow up and see myself as mature.
I represented the people of Hawaii and this nation honestly and to the best of my ability. I think I did okay.
I realize that I'm not going to be everybody's cup of tea, and that's okay. I think that's the point of music.
What I was reading was already part of my psyche, but finally someone else was saying it's okay to walk alone.
When did it - When did it become okay for someone to hit home runs and forget how to play the rest of the game?
I'm okay if everything is honest and truthful and relatable. If it's fabricated and ill-motived, it's not good.
If your skin looks okay today, and you take care of it, there's a good chance it's going to look good tomorrow.
Okay, take a deep breath, I told myself. Don't go all hormonal. Get the facts straight. Have a mental doughnut.
What was I supposed to say?.....did I tell them the Master had the hots for me, so I'd probably be okay? -Anita
You've got to love yourself first. You've got to be okay on your own before you can be okay with somebody else.
It's okay for my Beliebers to have a boyfriend, but please don't kiss them in front of me because I get jealous.
I'm okay. Nobody's bothering me. Everyone's very kind, and very polite. I don't feel like my whole life changed.
The Companion of Honour I regarded as an award from the country for 50 years of work - which I thought was okay.
Music is a very powerful thing. If I'm angry, I can write a song about it, and it seems to make everything okay.
If I'm more prepared, the success will fall on me; if not, it will fall on someone else, and I'm okay with that.
I feel limited in some ways because I have such young fans. But I'm okay with that; I do everything I want to do.
So many women are financially dependent on men. So why can't men be dependent on women? I'm totally okay with it.
I can say that I don't have a lot of leisure time, just sitting around doing absolutely nothing, but that's okay.
I say a little prayer every time I see a race. I say a little prayer that the riders and the horses will be okay.
I don't preach body positivity - I'm just okay with the body I'm in and say, 'I love me, so you should love you.'
I thought, 'If I make 35, it'll be okay,' and then at 40, I got scared, and now that I'm 81, I'm scared to death.
There isn't a route to success. Make a film. If people like it, you'll be okay. There is no route that I know of.
Forty is better than 30. I have a better understanding of who I am, what makes me tick, what's okay and not okay.
Television was a great place for me to kind of fall on my face and make mistakes and be okay with it and move on.
I used to almost not look forward to recording, because it was like, 'Okay, what am I going to have to sacrifice?'
You can go and visit those places. Nothing there, nothing at all. There are Iraqi checkpoints. Everything is okay.
We are not what other people say we are. We are who we know ourselves to be, and we are what we love. That's okay.
My first two books are out of print and, okay, they can sleep there comfortably. It's early work, derivative work.
I look back at myself, this innocent person, and I think, 'Gosh, she's okay.' I handled a lot, and I'm still here.
Sometimes you have to be okay with what you are to the world, where you are in the world, and make the most of it.
I look in the mirror every morning, okay. What is going on here? You know, I just say, 'Look, it's sheer insanity.'
I personally do not drink. To drink or not to is one's own choice. So long as it doesn't affect others, it is okay.
Carrie Bradshaw made it okay for New York women to take fashion chances and show that they are fabulous and strong.
It'll be okay." She didn't know if it would be okay or not. She somehow doubted it, but what else was there to say?
A lot of people come to L.A. looking for something. What I came here for, I realize now, is to be okay with myself.
The interesting thing is that New Order finished on an okay note. It was only after we split that things got worse.
Now with tabloids and seeing people walking around in sweats pumping gas you're like, 'Okay, they're just like us.'
I know you loved her, but it's okay to let it go now. You know that, don't you? You've got to be able to let it go.