There are certain areas which ISIS has the oil and you take the oil, you keep it. You just go in and take it.

I want to control our own energy by developing oil and natural gas but also the energy sources of the future.

The mother-in-law had an accident at work. A hot rivet dropped down her drawers and she fell off the oil rig.

The national oil companies still want to acquire some expertise so they will outsource more, but not totally.

There are no rules about investment. Sharks can be good. Artist's dung can be good. Oil on canvas can be good.

Practically every environmental problem we have can be traced to our addiction to fossil fuels, primarily oil.

Tragically, no industry has done more to block crucial action to address climate change than the oil industry.

Technology's always changing. There was a time where oil painting was a new technology. That changed painting.

Truth indeed rather alleviates than hurts, and will always bear up against falsehood, as oil does above water.

After a bath, I like to use Jo Wood Organics Usiku Body Oil. It mositurises my skin without leaving it greasy.

The business of peace requires more than showing up with paint brushes, foodstuffs and an oil pipeline or two.

Water is our most precious resource, but we waste it, just as we waste other resources, including oil and gas.

If a man voluntarily allows himself to be crushed, he yields the oil of moral energy which sustains the world.

States with tremendous oil and natural gas reserves have the most to gain economically from proper regulation.

The world should forget about cheap oil. The price will keep going up and some day arrive at US$100 per barrel.

Shell Oil's decision to pull the plug on drilling for oil in the Chukchi Sea is a major victory for the Arctic.

During the desperate depression of the 1980s, there were no oil and gas companies without net operating losses.

Never trust an ugly woman. She's got a grudge against the world,' said Grandma who was no oil painting herself.

I'm half Italian, and on my mom's side, they've aged amazingly, and all they've put on their faces is olive oil.

I feel that if God had really wanted us to have enough oil, he would never have given us a Department of Energy.

The low price of oil is a headwind to investments in alternative energy technologies, but it will not stop them.

You have a choice. Either you can have more oil, or more clean water. Fracking is not good for the water supply.

In his first speech as Speaker, Boehner thanked his loved ones - tobacco lobbyists, the oil companies, the CEOs.

If you believe our president, a former oil businessman, is going to end our addiction to oil, shame on all of us.

Denmark is charging a fat food tax on cheese, meat, and oil. Here, we call that the Denny's Grand Slam breakfast.

If my cuisine were to be defined by just one taste, it would be that of subtle, aromatic, extra-virgin olive oil.

The scent of wine, oh how much more agreeable, laughing, praying, celestial and delicious it is than that of oil!

The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many, doing too well economically and burning too much oil.

A dressing is not a compote A dressing is not a custard It consists of pepper and salt, Vinegar, oil and mustard.

The media ... is like an oil painting. Close up, it looks like nothing on Earth. Stand back and you get the drift.

Slowly, the oil and gas sector will decrease in Norway. The question in Norway is about how fast it will decrease.

I sleep in coconut oil. I just soak in it... in my hair, on my face, on my skin, all over - it's kind of my thing.

The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.

They said the black oil wouldn't come ashore. Well, it is ashore. It's here to stay and it's going to keep coming.

Although most Americans don't know it, the U.S. gets more oil from Canada than it does from the entire Middle East.

The Gulf Stream waters of Woody Guthrie's famous song were strung with columns of oil that were several miles long.

Nice olive oil is fairly easy to find at your standard grocery store, but there are fewer options of nice vinegars.

Don't forget to eat a lot of greens and fish oil pills. Those are two of the best things to keep your skin glowing.

The oil spill is getting bad. There is so much oil and tar now in the Gulf of Mexico, Cubans can now walk to Miami.

Anxiety in human life is what squeaking and grinding are in machinery that is not oiled. In life, trust is the oil.

We have a serious problem: America is addicted to oil... The best way to break this addiction is through technology.

We have seen a strong increase in oil prices and up to this year we see that the world has been able to absorb that.

Drilling is risky because finding oil is only half the job. The real challenge is finding the money to pump the oil.

Lamps make oil-spots and candles need snuffing; it is only the light of heaven that shines pure and leaves no stain.

Why don't those damn oil companies fly their own flags on their personal property-maybe a flag with a gas pump on it.

I am trying to get my paintings a bit lighter in tone, as some of my recent oils have been mistaken for night scenes.

She had had the pain; it had been like being boiled alive in scalding oil and not being able to die to get free of it

The profits of oil, coal, and natural gas companies will have to yield to the imperative of sustaining life on earth.

Water is more precious than oil. Both are more precious than music. Music won't heat a house or help a plant to grow.

Russia does not control oil prices - OPEC does. So Russia is a hostage in the hands of those who control these prices

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