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It's the life of an actor to always be questioning, always be wondering. There is no occupation in the world less dependable.
I write pretty quickly. Write pretty fast. I was an old press service man. That was part of the necessity of that occupation.
Most readers, then and now, have at some time experienced the humiliation of being told that their occupation is reprehensible.
I never like to refer back to anything I've done when I'm working on a character, even if that character has the same occupation.
Bin Laden's role in the war against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s had made him a hero around the Middle East.
It's really, really, really difficult to have the same occupation as the person you're with - especially when you're both actors.
I trust the time is coming, when the occupation of an instructor to children will be deemed the most honorable of human employment.
There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do. Wasting time is merely an occupation then, and a most exhausting one.
Nursing is not only a natural vocation for a woman, but an occupation which increases her matrimonial chances about eighty per cent.
Music, of course, is what I hear and something that I more or less live by. It's not an occupation or profession, it's a compulsion.
I doubt if there is any occupation which is more consistently and unfairly demeaned, degraded, denounced, and deplored than banking.
I would say that we all - in whatever world we're in, whatever your occupation is, we all have a path to walk. We all have struggles.
Violence [in Palestina] is part of the resistance to occupation. The basic fact is not the violence; the basic fact is the occupation.
We will not put our sons in prison for political membership or resisting occupation, because occupation is the reason for the problem.
I supported the Iraq resolution, but that was not an approval of war in Iraq and certainly was not approval for an occupation of Iraq.
Our housekeeping is mendicant, our arts, our occupations, our marriages, our religion we have not chosen but society has chosen for us.
To any child, the first occupations that are presented to you are your parents'. I was appealed to my dad's occupation from the get-go.
We may be delighted to see Israel putting the Arabs in their place, but we have repeatedly condemned their occupation of Arab territory.
If I had remained in Lhasa, even without the Chinese occupation, I would probably have carried the ceremonial role in some orthodox way.
Women, on average, earn less than men in almost every occupation, including traditional female orientated jobs like nursing and teaching.
The great subverter of Pyrrhonism or the excessive principles of scepticism is action, and employment, and the occupations of common life.
A nonviolent occupation is that occupation which is fundamentally free from violence and which involves no exploitation or envy of others.
When I first was able to fill in A-C-T-O-R for the occupation line on my passport, that was the first time I really felt, 'Wow, I'm home.'
For a long time, I was almost ashamed of being an actress. I felt like it was a shallow occupation. People would be watching my every move.
Jews and Muslims 'dialoguing' has nothing to do with Palestine. The problem is settler colonialism, apartheid and occupation, not religion.
There can be no other occupation like gardening in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work, you would find them smiling.
I'm not a depressive, but I certainly have mood swings. It's an occupational hazard, I would say, and I'm glad I'm in the occupation I'm in.
Knowledge about life is one thing; effective occupation of a place in life, with its dynamic currents passing through your being, is another.
I'd like, each time out as a writer, to reinvent who I am and what I'm doing. That's one of the great pleasures and rewards of the occupation.
To deny a genocide because of convenience and expediency having to do with an illegal war or occupation in Iraq to me, is double hypocritical.
Being a child at home alone in the summer is a high-risk occupation. If you call your mother at work thirteen times an hour, she can hurt you.
If I keep God first in my life, if I keep my family and friends as second, and then I keep my occupation third, that's when I've found success.
If you have any talent, or any occupation that delights you, do it, and do it to the hilt. Don't ask why, or what difficulties you may get into.
Everybody wants to say females aren't as funny as men. That's not true. You just don't see as many because it takes a lot to do this occupation.
I don't reckon there are many writers who start out really expecting writing to be an attainable occupation. Well, I didn't. It was a pipe dream.
Writing is, of course, a solitary occupation. But for many writers, myself included, it's through writing that we make certain vital connections.
Wanted: a man who is larger than his calling, who considers it a low estimate of his occupation to value it merely as a means of getting a living.
My occupation is an open question. I was once an assistant professor of mathematics. Since then, I have spent time living in the woods of Montana.
Most Iraqis, even if they hated Saddam and suffered, say life was much better under him than it was under the occupation and what's going on today.
Norway was occupied by the Germans in the Second World War, and I've met a lot of people who had to live through that occupation in varying degrees.
France: As a professional journalist, I like the idea of a society where it is considered an acceptable occupation to basically sit around and drink.
Parenting, as an unpaid occupation outside the world of public power, entails lower status, less power, and less control of resources than paid work.
Business, more than any other occupation, is a continual dealing with the future; it is a continual calculation, an instinctive exercise in foresight.
We oppose occupation of land by force and we believe in dialogue as the method for regaining Arab rights. This is the spirit of the Great Arab Revolt.
The truth is, no matter what your lifestyle or occupation, nothing can really stop you when you're allowing yourself to be exactly who you want to be.
As far as I am concerned, ambition is the most dangerous occupation in the world. I have never been ambitious, or if I have, it's only been by default.
I take it that he is more than just a woodcutter. "No one is just a woodcutter, " replied Terence. "A person's always more than his present occupation.
At its essence, the message of the Occupations is simply this: ‘Here in the face of power we will sit and create a new society, in which you do count.’
Peace is not wimpy. It's about sitting down and negotiating with people you hate. Ultimately, all occupation ends, and you have to deal with the enemy.
Old maids like the houseless and unemployed poor, should not ask for a place and an occupation in the world: the demand disturbs the happy and the rich.