If I get angry, it's obvious. I don't have to say much.

If we think about the obvious long enough, it dissolves.

I always enjoy being the obvious homunculus of the pair.

Intellect is the ability to avoid belaboring the obvious.

I love Britain, but I've only been to the obvious places.

To spell out the obvious is often to call it in question.

When witnesses concoct lies, they often miss the obvious.

A man of such obvious and exemplary charm must be a liar.

Just because things are obvious doesn't mean they're true.

I don't have to worry about the obvious things like money.

Laying tracks gives you freedom without being too obvious.

Their failures, both Obama's and Kay Hagan's, are obvious.

My other Main Man is Muhamed Ali, for the obvious reasons.

What's becoming very obvious to me is that fashion is art.

It is obvious that when I shot him I intended to kill him.

The first duty of intelligence is to recognize the obvious.

Britain's got talent, enormous talent; that's very obvious.

If I do something, it's always 90% obvious and 10% unknown.

Most people offer obvious telltale signs when they're lying.

The test of intellect is the refusal to belabor the obvious.

The profession of being a creative thinker is not so obvious.

I wish more people would belabor the obvious, and more often.

All films speak to their times. It becomes obvious only after.

Let me state the obvious. Illegal immigration is illegal, duh.

Sometimes if biography is too head-on, it can feel too obvious.

If you understand something, you understand that it is obvious.

Television has the obvious benefits of regularity and intimacy.

I'm never scared to ask a question or state the obvious, y'know.

We all desire to be understood, but no one enjoys being obvious.

The hardest lessons to learn are those that are the most obvious.

All women are wonders because they reduce all men to the obvious.

Kids always ask the most obvious and the most difficult questions.

It takes an extraordinary intelligence to contemplate the obvious.

Overfishing is an obvious threat to our capacity to feed ourselves.

The more original a discovery, the more obvious it seems afterwards.

Some of the smartest men have a hard time comprehending the obvious.

Next time I'll pat you on the freaking back for stating the obvious.

It's obvious some people don't have an emotional thing for the music.

Even an obvious fabrication is some comfort when you have few others.

Lyrics need to be good, but they don't need to be obvious right away.

Humans often fail to see what is close to them and obvious to others.

Some of the best opportunities in the world are the most obvious ones.

There is no mystery whatever - only inability to perceive the obvious.

I don't tend to write when I'm happy, which I think is pretty obvious.

There is perhaps no more obvious vanity than to write of it so vainly.

There's more to life than making shallow, fairly obvious observations.

In saying what is obvious, never choose cunning. Yelling works better.

The most difficult thing to get people to do is to accept the obvious.

It'll become obvious that we've really been working against ourselves.

I'm very much a "that's so obvious, I must not mention it" kind of guy.

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