The greatest obstacle to those who hope to reform American education is complacency.

Even though I have many obstacles in my life, I don't want people to feel bad for me.

If you want to do something, you do it anyway, and handle the obstacles as they come.

I left Russia in 1993 optimistic that democracy had taken hold despite the obstacles.

The taboo against nakedness is an obstacle to a decent attitude on the subject of sex.

I live my life like everyone else; everyone has their own obstacles. Mine is deafness.

Obstacles will look large or small to you according to whether you are large or small.

Of my two handicaps, being female put many more obstacles in my path than being black.

I've stood the test of time, weathered a lot of storms and hurdled a lot of obstacles.

I'm about big challenges, big obstacles, and just to show everybody that I'm the best.

Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.

We combat obstacles in order to get repose, and when got, the repose is insupportable.

Faith is not for overcoming obstacles; it is for experiencing them—all the way through!

The great artist is one whom constraint exalts, for whom the obstacle is a springboard.

Being idealistic really helps you overcome some of the many obstacles put in your path.

Excuses are a list of self imposed obstacles that prevent you from having a better life.

There are no impossible obstacles; there are just stronger and weaker wills, that’s all!

Success isn't measured by what you achieve, it's measured by the obstacles you overcome.

Obstacles are merely a call to strengthen your resolve to achieve your worthwhile goals.

The obstacles are great and the suffering is great and people have got to make a living.

The biggest obstacle to making Christ magnificent is the refusal to make yourself small.

Every day, I see my students work hard to overcome obstacles just to be in the classroom.

There is no smooth road into the future: but we go round, or scramble over the obstacles.

I feel alive inside only when obstacles are arising that must be overcome and eliminated.

The worst thing you can do, despite the innumerable obstacles we confront, is to not try.

We all have challenges. You can let them be obstacles or roadblocks, or you can use them.

Love that shines from within cannot be darkened by obstacles of the world of consequences!

Come on obstacles! I've been expecting you! This is the chance that I've been waiting for!

the best contacts are when one knows the obstacles and still wants to preserve a relation.

There seemed to be endless obstacles - it seemed that the root cause of them all was fear.

What parent has it easy? I just never make the difficulty of it an obstacle. I just do it.

The child can find out what the object ..might be only by finding ..obstacles to its access

The greatest obstacle to discovering the truth is being convinced that you already know it.

There seemed to be endless obstacles... it seemed that the root cause of them all was fear.

For a long time, society put obstacles in the way of women who wanted to enter the sciences.

Freedom in general may be defined as the absence of obstacles to the realization of desires.

Often the biggest obstacle in meeting life’s challenges is actually our own fear of failure.

Rules are simply obstacles to be jumped, like in a horse race: higher and higher every time.

Sometimes you have to travel back in time, skirting the obstacles, in order to love someone.

Look several months ahead, see where the obstacles lie, and figure out ways to overcome them.

One of the greatest obstacles to escaping poverty is the staggering cost of higher education.

Success is a tale of obstacles overcome, and for every obstacle overcome, an excuse not used.

The importance of coming into God's presence is worth overcoming all obstacles along the way.

The bigger your obstacle, the bigger your future. Don't get discouraged, keep moving forward.

Looking back, my life so far seems like one long obstacle race, with me as its chief obstacle.

Real obstacles don't take you in circles. They can be overcome. Invented ones are like a maze.

The more you practive overcoming your obstacles, the more you will welcome them & be unafraid.

I made my dream come true despite all the obstacles - no money, no training, no skis, no snow.

In every attempt there are many obstacles to cope with, but gradually the path becomes smooth.

Mohan Babu garu is one great actor who has withstood so many obstacles over the last 42 years.

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