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Games are unnecessary obstacles we volunteer to tackle.
Some men see mountains as obstacles. Others as a canvas.
You yourself are your own obstacle, rise above yourself.
Every solution of a problem raises new unsolved problems.
The hardest obstacle I've had to overcome is complacency.
If you believe you can only go so far, it is an obstacle.
Imaginary obstacles are insurmountable. Real ones aren't.
I think great romance needs great obstacles and textures.
Rationalization is one of the real obstacles to obedience.
Biggest obstacle to learning is thinking you already know.
The best method of overcoming obstacles is the team method
Any problem can be solved using the materials in the room.
Obstacles are our friends: they teach us where we're stuck.
We have to embrace obstacles to reach the next stage of joy
We have to embrace obstacles to reach the next stage of joy.
Make an obstacle an opportunity, make a negative a positive.
I overcame a lot of obstacles in my life and in my childhood.
Victory comes only after many struggles and countless defeats.
I've had injuries before. They are just obstacles to overcome.
No obstacles are insurmountable when God commands and we obey.
It is only the first obstacle which counts to conquer modesty.
You must keep your mind on the objective, not on the obstacle.
The greatest obstacle to pleasure is not pain; it is delusion.
Anything worth achieving will always have obstacles in the way
I've learned at the book signings that everyone has obstacles.
Every obstacle is a stepping stone. My good cannot be stopped.
Look upon every obstacle as part payment towards your success.
The best people I know have had a lot of obstacles to overcome.
I am out to prove that there are no obstacles for the disabled.
The greatest obstacle to connecting with our joy is resentment.
Timidity puts obstacles in your path, boldness eliminates them.
Yes, there are obstacles as a woman; there is no doubt about it.
It takes facing obstacles to grow strong enough to overcome them.
Never allow others to put obstacles in the pathway of your dreams
I think all women in all industries have more obstacles than men.
Dogmatism is the greatest of mental obstacles to human happiness.
Religion as a source of consolation is an obstacle to true faith.
Sometimes a perceived obstacle is just an opportunity in disguise.
The main obstacle is the entrenched power of the legacy polluters.
Obstacles are there to get around, climb over or scramble through.
Success comes after you conquer your biggest obstacles and hurdles.
You should not bring more items and hurdles to the obstacle course.
If you are positive, you'll see opportunities instead of obstacles.
You can overcome almost any obstacles, unless you are the obstacle.
Anything's possible, you gotta dream like you never seen obstacles.
I'm frightened a lot. I feel like it's caused me a lot of obstacles.
Obstacles to trade put up the cost both to consumers and businesses.
Try not to turn your life into a race, least of all an obstacle race.
It's never too late to turn things around. You are the only obstacle.
Do not waste your time looking for an obstacle - maybe there is none.