Every generation is obsessed with the decade before they were born.

I have an obsession with books about kids with Asperger's syndrome.

I have an obsession with Milk Duds. Eating them tastes like heaven.

Zero-sum thinking is an obsession of mine, but mostly in economics.

I was never really obsessed with the whole guy thing to begin with.

The trade of authorship is a violent, and indestructible obsession.

I have a bit of an obsession with eyes and always want to use them.

I'm obsessed with Led Zeppelin and have been since I was a teenager

The obsession that you have to manage everything - it's really bad.

The fears and anxieties and obsessions wrapped up in being a parent.

Further, I'm obsessed with how language contorts and creates bodies.

I don't like Paradise, as they probably don't have obsessions there.

I did spend a year in high school being obsessed with Fleetwood Mac.

I have an obsession with just watching people and what they're into.

Until your mission is an obsession, nothing will change in your life.

Determination becomes obsession and then it becomes all that matters.

If you don't have obsessions, don't write. my characters are obsessed.

It is surely a great calamity for a human being to have no obsessions.

For me, work is both a hobby and a passion. And sometimes an obsession.

Fame has become this obsession for people, which kind of creeps me out.

I've had a lifelong obsession with urban legends and American folklore.

Of all human weakness obsession is the most dangerous. And the silliest.

I think I've always had an obsession with collecting, as most people do.

The red car, even before I knew it was called Ferrari, was my obsession.

I don't think I have an obsession, however I do eat chocolate every day.

The Champions League is our obsession, the No. 1 objective for Juventus.

I knew what love was supposed to be: obsession with undertones of nausea.

I have a gajillion headbands - yellows, pinks, reds, blues. I'm obsessed.

In America, sex is an obsession, in other parts of the world it's a fact.

Photography has freed the plastic arts from their obsession with likeness.

duty, the most indecent of all obsessions, was only another name for love.

We are obsessed with image. I don't think we should take it that seriously.

Then in college I became obsessed with film, and wanted to be part of that.

The obsession with moderation is the spirit of castrated narrow-mindedness.

All good research-whether for science or for a book-is a form of obsession.

An obsession with control generally seems to reflect a fear of uncertainty.

My personal obsessions are much more interesting to me than other people's.

Under popular culture's obsession with a naive inclusion, everything is O.K.

I think the obsession with wanting to change yourself is crazy over the top.

There's an unhealthy obsession in America with royalty and the class system.

I think the obsession with wanting to change yourself is crazy over the top.

When I look back on what I've done, I think I'm drawn to obsession, perhaps.

I can't go long without you either, Eva. You're an addiction...my obsession.

My obsessions used to be my protectors, but now they have taken me prisoner.

Obsession is a young man's game, and my only excuse is that I never grew old.

I was obsessed, and like most obsessed people, I was the last one to know it.

I'm very obsessed with 'The Real Housewives' franchise. It's a bad obsession.

I'm obsessed. I've always needed to know what's going on but now it's a must.

It's a silly thing, but I like to understand people through their obsessions.

I make music and I can't stop. It's a compulsion and an obsession and a curse.

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