In polite society, we call our obsessions hobbies.

A public outcry usually masks a private obsession.

Obsession is the wellspring of genius and madness.

I have a few obsessions in life, and one is shoes!

An artist is nothing without his or her obsessions.

To be the object of someone's obsession is horrible.

I was obsessed with Elvis Presley when I was little.

Writing is not hard work, it is simply an obsession.

You’re a human, you should understand self-obsession.

In the U.K., there is a sort of obsession with class.

I like sweaters. I have a sweater obsession, I guess.

Somewhere between obsession and compulsion is impulse.

My only regret is the media's obsession with the past.

We've always had a sadistic obsession with technology.

The Americans are very clear, and obsessed with nouns.

An obsession with untold stories is a source of energy.

Jodi Arias had a deadly obsession with Travis Alexander.

My obsession with James Franco borders on the unhealthy.

The work is a calling. It demands that type of obsession.

Real obsession needs an unconscious motivation behind it.

Now I am obsessed with collecting Platypus paraphernalia.

An obsession is where something will not leave your mind.

I do go through periods of obsession with certain records.

I had an obsession that I was male characters from movies.

I have a borderline-embarrassing obsession with pop music.

I think all males from Detroit have an obsession with cars.

People see everything through the lens of their obsessions.

I think that America has an obsession with history, really.

I have an obsession with ketchup! I have it with everything.

To do anything to a high level it has to be total obsession.

Obsession can be a great thing or it can also destroy lives.

There's a lot of obsession about people's personal ambitions.

This obsession with dignity can ruin your life if you let it.

To submit to chance is to reveal the self and its obsessions.

To do anything to a high level, it has to be total obsession.

We're consumers. We are by-products of a lifestyle obsession.

I don't drink any more so I switched my obsession to musicals.

Pizza is my obsession; I eat pizza at least two times per week.

I read in order to write. I read out of obsession with writing.

I have a deep and pathological obsession with trees and plants.

I have this obsession with the '80s because I missed all of it.

Searching for a lost city is a particularly European obsession.

You repeat things because they're like your personal obsessions

We must stand firm against the Left's nationalisation obsession.

I have spent the last five months obsessively working on Outlaw.

Sex. In America an obsession. In other parts of the world a fact.

For a writer, obsession is a good substitute for self-discipline.

And people with obsessions, reflected Bond, were blind to danger.

I think that an obsession with art history gave rise to the work.

don't let jesus in. AA is just one obsession replaced with another

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